Gui Games é o Canal de Guilherme Ettiene dedicado a jogos eletrônicos em diversas plataformas, inicialmente o canal começou com Games em celular, mas futuramente serão postados jogos em PC, compartilhando momentos dos jogos, dicas e ideias a respeitos dos Games ou Jogos Eletrônicos. É um prazer jogar para se divertir e interagir com você que também compartilha do Entusiamos deste Universo. Seja Bem Vindo! Se inscreva no Canal, comente e deixe sua opinião, Agradeço a sua participação.

We are very glad that you come to our channel Gaming aadii , watch the gaming videos and subscribe! We become friends! Thank you for that! Here you can watch gaming videos Daily upload android gameplay videos.


We are very glad that you come to our channel Gaming aadii , watch the gaming videos and subscribe! We become friends! Thank you for that! Here you can watch gaming videos. ............... Daily upload android gameplay videos. ............... Our videos are always of the best quality. ............... Show your love for us and watch the video and enjoy the best time on our channel.

Stampy's Playhouse


Random cartoons and silly shit from ya' boy when I'm not doing...other career shit that otherwise wastes my precious fucking time. Have a blessed day! lmao ———————————————————————————————————// ▌ 🟧 TEESPRING SHIRTS & MERCH ‎ ▌ 🛒 Teespring ‎ ▪ ‎ ———————————————————————————————————// ▌ 🟩 SUPER-OPTIONAL SUPPORT - Only if you're feeling generous! ‎ ▌ 👤 Patreon ‎ ▪ ‎ ☕ Buy Me A Coffee ‎ ▪ ‎ Thanks for all the ongoing support! I this rate, you guys are essentially my employers, too? ✅ Cash App ‎ ▪ ‎ $StamperTV 🅿️ PayPal ‎ ▪ ‎ ———————————————————————————————————// ▌ 🟪 PRIMARY GEAR - Here's the BASICS, at least. ‎ ▌ 🖊️ Tablet ‎ ▪ ‎ HUION Inspiroy H1060P - 10 x 6.25 🎧 Headphones ‎ ▪ ‎ Sony MDR7506 🎙️ Microphone ‎ ▪ ‎ Audio-Technica AT2020 (USB version is perfectly fine in my opinion.) ⚡ Audio Interface ‎ ▪ ‎ Scarlett Solo (IF you end up getting the AT2020 XLR version.) (You can find most of this stuff over at Amazon. Not sponsored, just saying!) ———————————————————————————————————// ▌ 🟦 MUSIC & AUDIO DISTRIBUTION ‎ ▌ 🔊 DistroKid ‎ ▪ ‎ Again, not sponsored. Submit your audio/music/podcasts/whatever to multiple platforms at once so you don't gotta do Spotify, iTunes, etc. individually. There's probably better services out there, but I dunno...I'm stubborn in regards to change I guess? ———————————————————————————————————// ▌ 🟥 ALSO HEY, FYI... ‎ ▌ ⚠️ I DON'T USE FACEBOOK - no fan pages, no personal pages, ZERO Facebook. Anybody 'Stampering' over there isn't me/working with me. ⚠️ I BARELY use X or Instagram, so don't expect much from me there. If you wanna talk, just hit me up like normal people do! Also Discord is a fuckin' mess too social media kinda sucks huh?

NTAC GAMING: Regular Dudes Playing Games!!


Description NTAC Gaming consists of a group of regular guys that play games after work to relax.. these are the stories of BeefSleepins, Evilness, and friends. We kindly request a Subscribe, Like, and if you enjoyed feel free to share with your friends! --We offer Live Streams of Various Games Tuesday-Thursdays catch us occasionally on Twitch for some weekend streams as well: Escape From Tarkov, Apex Legends, and Various XBOX Game Pass titles that catch our eye's. We are always open to suggestion and gaming with viewers on occasion. --The Channel will also feature Skits, VOD's, and edited highlights from our streams, as well as, edited content we create in house. --We play mostly on PC and XBOX Series X's. Both Beef and Evil have XBOX Game Pass so if there's something your curious about leave a comment and we'll look into it! -- Social Media