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News 360 TV is the most fair-minded and dependable web news channel. You can watch the most recent news, identified with Politics, Business, Sports, and Bollywood on News360Tv. Stay associated with us for the most fair-minded and dependable news. You can reach us Mail ID:

Center for Medical Progress


The Center for Medical Progress is a group of citizen journalists dedicated to monitoring and reporting on medical ethics and advances. We are concerned about contemporary bioethical issues that impact human dignity, and we oppose any interventions, procedures, and experiments that exploit the unequal legal status of any class of human beings. We envision a world in which medical practice and biotechnology ally with and serve the goods of human nature and do not destroy, disfigure, or work against them.

Seeking the Truth & Exposing the Lies of our World


Exposing the Hidden Truths of our Society and our Earth - HEALTH & MEDICAL FRAUD - COVID FRAUD - NASA FRAUD - FE - NWO - VACCINES - HIDDEN HISTORY - FAKED MOON LANDINGS - ETC - The powers that be have lied to the public about literally everything from medicine, the human body, health, viruses & diseases, space, the shape of the earth, our history, financial system, and much more. Help expose the truth and wake up the masses by exploring & sharing the truth content on this channel, much of which was provided by numerous truth seekers from around the world! A big thank you for all the content creators that have contributed their precious time and money and risked their reputations and careers to create some of the great content on this channel! YOU are the true patriots of our society!!

Ancient History Documentaries Verified


A collection of filmed documentaries in Ancient history used by my students in Ancient history courses. This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. It is being made available in an effort to advance the study of Ancient history. It is believed that this constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for educational purposes. It is made available for loan on a person-to-person basis. Therefore, the reproduction in digital copies for teaching (including copies for online classroom use), scholarship, or research, is not an infringement of copyright. Students or others who wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of their own that go beyond 'fair use' must obtain permission of the copyright holder. This channel also allows me to edit and prepare films to prepare them for my public and open channel. I am planning to use these to channels for my Russian History Films, Ancient History Films, American History Films, Modern Greek History Films, and future channels on World History.

Center For Faith and Work


Topic Covered: 1) Alternative Research: -Exploring Alternative Research: Discovering Overlooked Truths -Faith and Understanding: Insights from Alternative Perspectives 2) Cultural Trends and Eschatology: -Signs of the Times: Biblical Insights on Cultural Trends and Eschatology -The End is Near: Understanding Apocalyptic Perspectives through Scripture 3) Religions and Doctrines: -Faith and Doctrine: A Humble Exploration of Beliefs in Light of Scripture -Understanding Beliefs: Examining Religions and Doctrines through a Biblical Lens 4) Eschatology and Geopolitics: -Prophetic Insights: The Role of Eschatology in God's Plan for Humanity -The Final Countdown: Biblical Reflections on Geopolitical Implications of End-Time Beliefs 5) General Bible Study: -Exploring the Scriptures: Discovering Biblical Truths for Today -The Bible Uncovered: Key Themes and Teachings for Faithful Living. For English Content, please visit our sister channel:

The Ancient Astronaut Archive Verified


The Archive is a repository of data, research, and discoveries related to Earth's ancient past and origin. We are on an exploration of the more esoteric historical references that do not necessarily fit in with the current academic paradigm. Although the Archive is politically and religiously neutral, our various presentations and posts sometimes necessitate including historical references that analyze both. The Archive is simply asking “what if?” at the next level.