Earth Save Science Collaborative


This is the official channel for the Earth Save Science Collaborative (ESSC) project. The purpose of this project will be to engage in scientific research to address the global climate threat. We need the brightest scientific minds of this world, capable of thinking unconventionally and innovatively. Dr. Egon Cholakian, a lobbyist in the US Congress and White House, a member of the CERN laboratory’s “Future Circular Collider” project group and the user group of the National Laser Thermonuclear Reaction Complex at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, a lecturer, a member of the International Association of Intelligence Service Teachers, invites all scientists who care about humanity’s fate to join in creating a unified international scientific center. For more detailed information about the project for establishing a unified scientific center, you can visit the website



- FAA Certified Commercial / Emergency Services Drone Pilot - Welcome to FIREGROUNDIMAGES.COM and Official Rumble Channel. I will be using this channel to post videos of incidents I have recently shot for FIREGROUNDIMAGES.COM, or to post aerial work I have just completed for KM Aerial Views ( To get immediate updates when new videos are posted, as well as all newly posted fire photography and aerial photography, make sure to subscribe to this page, or follow FIREGROUNDIMAGES/Km Aerial Views at the social media links below. Also, see email address below for contact.

Ex-Satanist Saved by Jesus Christ


I am a follower of Jesus Christ, and I am here to share the love of God. As an ex-Satanist, I hope that by sharing my experiences, I can make others aware of how the devil deceives people into following him. If you are into Satanism or the occult, I hope this channel will bless you. Jesus loves you, and He can save you from the darkness. Nothing is too big for Him to deal with. Jesus defeated Satan on the cross, and He took your sins and mine upon Himself so that we can be forgiven. “What do you think? If any man has a hundred sheep, and one of them goes astray, will he not leave the ninety-nine on the mountains, and go and search for the one that is lost? And if it turns out that he finds it, truly I say to you, he rejoices over it more than over the ninety-nine that have not gone astray. So it is not the will of your Father who is in heaven for one of these little ones to perish." Matthew 18: 12-14 (NASB) God bless you.

Sage Neva Ran!!!!


Subscribe for more content . Welcome to SageNevaRan!!!! where music is original, laughter is contagious, and news is delivered with a twist! I believe that life is too short to be serious all the time, so i have combined the best of music, comedy, and news to bring you a dynamic and entertaining experience. I'm always creating fresh beats , while my layback dry humor will have you doubled over in stitches. And don't worry, we won't leave you in the dark! Our news team delivers the headlines with a pinch of humor and a dash of quirkiness, making even the most mundane news stories a blast to hear. So sit back, relax, and let the good times roll as we take you on a journey of originality, laughter, and well-informed fun!

Got Talent is the show with no age limit


talent restrictions and no cultural boundaries. this award-winning ratings hit has been breaking audience records around the world. The Guinness Record holder for Most Successful Reality Format has been made in 69 territories globally and continues to grow. With millions of TV viewers and even more social media fans, this phenomenal global success has dominated on all platforms for more than decade. Got Talent Global brings together the very best in worldwide talent, creating a central hub for fans of the show to keep up to date with sensational performances from around the world.