May Namit Katiyar grow Rumble but will definitely put 2 to 3 videos per day. Our aim is to make Rumble reach the stage of YouTube.


"HELLO WELCOME दोस्तों...मैं हूँ 'Namit Katiyar' और आप देख रहे हैं Namit Technical Gyan !" My Dear Friend, ये आप का ही चैनल है..आपको इस चैनल पर सभी जानकारियां FUNNY STYLE में मिलेंगी। इसमें हम जानकारी शेयर करते Technical Videos,Technical Gyan & Reparing तथा OTHER STUFF के बारे में! बहुत बहुत स्वागत है आपका अपने ही चैनल " Namit Technical Gyan" में और हफ्ते में 5 से ज्यादा वीडियो डालने की कोशिश रहती है जिनमें यदि आपने अभी ' Namit Technical Gyan ' की प्यारी-सी Family को Join नहीं किया है तो अभी कर लो जी! Take Care! ध्यान रखें अपना.. मिलते है अगली वीडियो में! Follow करके जाना जी! Namit Katiyar From Uttar Pradesh (India)

Footage No Copy Right


Footage No Copyright is a Rumble channel where you can find free video footage for commercial purposes, destined to content creators and filmmakers. This way I will be able to help all of you, especially my followers who are using my No copyrighted Footages published on my Rumble channel. With your help, I will be able to continue sharing Footage No Copyright, make them even better (4K, slow motion, etc.) We Provide Creative Common, Free Stock Footages, & Footage No Copyright Videos in HD & 4K. * IMPORTANT * All credit goes to its respective owners. You can use footages for your project or commercial purpose even don't ask for any permission. Want to use this footage? Follow Instructions. This is not mandatory but it will be highly appreciated 1. Subscribe to Our Channel 2. Put this following in your video description Footage No Copyright Thank you!