Relatos con IA


"Bienvenidos a Relatos con IA, un canal donde la inteligencia artificial cobra vida para traerte historias fascinantes llenas de misterio, magia y leyendas antiguas. Cada semana te sumergirás en relatos intrigantes que te mantendrán al borde de tu asiento, conectando lo fantástico con lo real. Acompáñanos en esta aventura narrativa donde descubriremos los secretos del pasado y las maravillas del futuro, todo contado a través del poder de la IA. ¡Suscríbete y déjate cautivar por nuestras historias!"

Defenders of the Constitution


The official channel for WTTW Media. 1st amendment auditing from the mitten state. Making sure our government employees & civil servants respect our right to record for press purposes, and to expose & hold them accountable if they don't. If you know any tyrants who need a visit from us, let us know. PUBLIC PHOTOGRAPHY IS NOT A CRIME! If you would like to support our channel to help keep our activism going on the road, Donations will help fund FOIA requests and any litigation expenses. We can't hold them accountable without help from YOU! You can do that by donating at any of the following links: Paypal: CashApp:$wttwmedia

Lynn M Morris KrystalStarAscension


Claiming Divine Soul Sovereignty, reclaiming your connection Crystalline Tree of life Closing Krystal Star DNA Activations to accelerate your healing and pathway of Ascension. Sharing powerful Quantum Healing encoded Journeys to assist Starseeds to break free from the complex nets of soul interference, karmic cycles, comtracts and anything which inpedes Soul sovereignty. Working with the Intergalatic Star Councils and Councils of light to bring pioneering New methods of healing for humanity and to assist us to navigate our way to the New Earth Timelines and much heralded Golden Age. Lynn is founder and creator of Quantum Bridge Timeline Star Process & Healing a pioneering new healing system to liberate starseeds from all levels of interference and align them with the New Earth Timeline . Supported by the intergalatic star co