HiP2 Helen Live Call-In Show


Call-In 443-601-0773 Anywhere in the U.S. Outside the U.S. use this app and call for free! https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.google.android.apps.googlevoice Email me: HIP2HELEN@GMAIL.COM Buy one of my shirts 👕 https://hip2-shop.myspreadshop.com/all👕HIP2 Helen the ♒️ Aquarius on the case 🕵‍♀️. My dream is to have a HIP2 Sewing factory (Bring back made in the USA) 🇺🇸 EMAIL: HIP2Helen@gmail.com 📧 #Phone #call-inshow #fun #Hip2Helen #Listening #talk

Galletta's Backyard Karting Club


The Galletta's Karting (Go-Kart Racing) Club was founded in the early 1990s with two brothers racing go-karts in the backyard. It then gradually grew through family and friends into a small fleet of 1-WD gas flathead hybrid racing karts that races every Summer to Fall weekend behind Galletta's Greenhouse in Oswego, NY (& formerly on Oswego Speedway's Kartway 2006-08 as well). We have documented, counted points and videotaped races dating back to the mid-1990s, but have almost every single race since 2005 available to watch on our website and here!

The Ghostlit Gallery


Come on in for urban legends, horror, a little true crime, and any other creepy gems I find that screams to be shared! This is my first youtube channel and I'm just starting out so please help out a new channel and show some support! Like Comment and Sub I am posting a video every 2 to 3 weeks if I can. So far so good. Thanks for checking me out! *Some of my content may not be appropriate for small children. If you have any idea requests or need to contact me for any reason email me at: sweetlovelydeathYT@gmail.com Thank you for watching! I hope you enjoyed it! If you REALLY enjoyed it please donate to my PayPal or Buy me a coffee to keep these videos coming. Thanks everyone!