Real Estate Media, Drone & Virtual Tours


We are professional, Federally licensed drone pilots with decades of video production and real estate photography experience. But taking great aerials also requires a strong knowledge of avionics, weather patterns, local zoning, air traffic and often an ability to get flight clearances. Our advanced drones and gimbal mounted survey cameras capture the perfect HD shot and our expert video editing enhancements can make a real visual difference.

FOX News Channel (FNC) is a 24-hour all-encompassing news


FOX News Channel (FNC) is a 24-hour all-encompassing news service dedicated to delivering breaking news as well as political and business news. A top cable network in both total viewers and Adults 25-54, FNC has been the most-watched news channel in the country for almost two decades and according to Public Policy Polling is the most trusted television news source in the country. FNC is available in more than 89 million homes and dominates the cable news landscape, routinely notching 12 of the top 15 programs in the genre.

Discover the Blue Hour Podcast


Welcome to the Discover the Blue hour podcast Rumble channel ; writing advice, thoughts & ramblings for a upcoming work in progress novel During the Blue Hour about a different type of werewolf. DISCOVERING THE BLUE HOUR is an author writing podcast.Each week I delve into and break down my writing process while writing my 2nd draft of my WIP novel During the Blue Hour all the way to publication and beyond. As I write I discuss topics pertaining to the writing process such as planning & research, worldbuilding , PODCAST PREVIEW/EPISODE : Posted every Monday. OR weekly SHORT FILM NOVEL CONCEPT VIDEO: Posted every Saturday OR weekly LIKE & SUBSCRIBE TO SEE MORE CONTENT WORDPRESS BLOG: SHORT STORIES AND POSTS OF BEHIND THE NOVEL SCENES FOR DURING THE BLUE HOUR WORK IN PROGRESS NOVEL

SPORT on tourne

8 Followers Nous capturons tes évènements sportifs en vidéo pour en faire des souvenirs sportifs pour la vie! Nous utilisons de l’équipement professionnel pour t’offrir un rendu exceptionnel! Jusqu’à 3 caméras seront utilisées pour ne rien manquer de ton évènement sportif! Comme à la télé… Regarde ton match avec différents angles de caméra, des gros plans, des reprises, des ralentis! Souvenirs plus dynamiques que les traditionnelles photos pas plus dispendieux pour les équipes sportives !!! Des souvenirs inoubliables! La mémoire est une faculté qui oubli…pas la vidéo!