The Red Wizard Builds


The official Red Wizard channel for The Red Wizard builds and forks. For Red Wizard forks, wizards and repo, go to... Join The Red Wizard user group on Telegram, go to and click on 'TELEGRAM', or use the invite link... If you would like to help with the past, present and future costs of The Red Wizard builds, feel free to buy me a coffee (or a beer)...

The Epoch of Friar Tuck


Hi, I'm Friar Tuck. After losing my business I have decided to go on an Epoch to find myself. Along my journey I have talked about what it is like to be a bohemian. At first I was traveling on bike doing the Southern Tier bike route, but a hurricane caused me to stop in Gainesville, FL where I met some cool people before I continued on my epoch journey. From there I decided to start hiking the Eastern Continental Trail from Florida to Maine. Along the way I met even more interesting people who influenced me on my epoch journey. I managed to complete the Florida Trail, Alabama Road Walk and Pinhoti trails before I got sick and had to stop in Chattanooga. While in Tennessee I met an individual who took me under his wing as my mentor. As my mentor he is showing me what the digital economy really is, introducing me to Linux and showing me a different way to live as a bohemian. Subscribe and follow me on my epoch journey to find myself and maybe you will too.



In a world of skepticism and doubt, the Christian may find themselves barraged with challenges to the faith. Join us as we discuss current events in a roundtable, but we each do so from a specific perspective or chair. The Chair of Theology focuses on Biblical principles applied to the topic at hand. The Chair of Philosophy, looks and the Teleological, Epistemological, Ontological, and otherwise Philosophical perspectives. The Chair of Politics brings the perspective that Christians have the unique qualifications and obligation to participate in our government and her laws. The Chair of Culture focuses on the Christian's response to the Culture and the Counter Culture Christianity should create. And the Economic Chair brings to the table the economic value to following God's Law, like every other sphere of life, if you read the instruction manual the Creator of the Universe wrote, you might find that you understand the World better. The Bible has the answers to our economic challenges as well as moral ones. From these Chairs, we discuss the Christian Worldview and hope to provide an answer or apologetic for each situation we discuss. We would be honored if you joined us as we discuss how our culture falls Further Every Day.