Best ways of protection FOR-YOUR-CRYPTO assets!


Even before you buy your first crypto is good to know how this works and what you need to start your investing the safe way. Here you will find all info you need before or after you buy your first crypto. The basic questions about where to start and how to protect our selves from frauds and hackers. Where to buy my Crypto, Why use VPN - Virtual Private Network, What is Hard Wallets, Seed Phrase Storage. Get updated with the Market News

Family Protection


Welcome to our channel, dedicated to helping you and your family take care of your health in your daily life. We know that the hustle and bustle of daily life can make it challenging to adopt healthy habits, but we're here to help you overcome those obstacles. Our goal is to provide practical and easy-to-follow tips to help you protect yourself from daily risks and adopt healthy lifestyle habits. Here, you'll find videos with valuable information about nutrition, exercise, sleep, mental health, and much more. All of our tips are evidence-based and designed to help you make informed decisions about your health. Join us and start taking better care of yourself and your family today!

Protection Plus Tactics Podcast


Welcome to SentrySpeak, the podcast by Protection Plus Tactics. Join us as we discuss the latest insights and analysis on global news stories, local events, and politics. From geopolitical shifts and societal trends to emerging risks and innovative solutions, we explore a wide range of topics. We offer our take on how these developments intersect with personal protection, sharing our thoughts on the strategies, tactics, and mindsets necessary for navigating an increasingly complex and dangerous world. We believe that personal protection is not just about owning a gun or stockpiling food, but also about understanding the world around us and critically evaluating the events that impact our security. At SentrySpeak, we encourage open dialogue and respectful discourse. Our opinions are reflections of our experiences, expertise, and ongoing research, but we also welcome different perspectives and invite you, our listeners, to engage with us, challenge our ideas, and contribute to the conversation. Join our vibrant community of listeners who seek to expand their understanding of personal safety while embracing diverse viewpoints. Tune in to SentrySpeak for a unique blend of informative analysis, captivating discussions, and our unfiltered opinions that empower you to make informed decisions about your own protection. Stay tuned, stay curious, and welcome to SentrySpeak – where protection meets opinion.

Mantras for protection


MANTRA FOR PROTECTION - MANTRA PARA DESTRUIR INIMIGOS MALS Mantra For Protection Mantra é uma palavra em sânscrito, que por sua vez é uma língua falada antigamente na Índia. O sânscrito é um conjunto de sons que expressam a energia das coisas às quais se nomeia, as palavras em sânscrito portanto, produzem a vibração energética daquilo à que elas se referem. Cada som produz ondas vibratórias de amplitudes diferentes, e essas ondas são captadas através do sistema auditivo e enviadas ao cérebro, que irá decodificar e processar essa informação. Umas das possíveis compreensões do termo é a de que a raiz man significa mente e a terminação tra, significa instrumento, sabedoria… ou seja, os mantras são instrumentos para se ter um pensamento, ou uma mente mais sábia, ou mesmo, mantras são instrumentos para proteção da mente.