Messi My Hero

1 Follower

Hi everyone 👋 this is the "Messi My Hero" Rumble channel. Please Follow my channel for amazing, hot, trending videos about football and Messi. So please follow my channel. Messi is the great player of all time. He is a champion. Ronaldo is also a great football player. Let's take a look into their career. #messi #lm10 #ronaldo #messiskills #ronaldoskills #messifans #ronaldofans #football #footballshorts #soccer #soccershorts #soccerskills #footballedits #footballplayer ABOUT FOOTBALL Football, also called association football or soccer, a game in which two teams of 11 players, using any part of their bodies except their hands and arms, try to maneuver the ball into the opposing team’s goal. Only the goalkeeper is permitted to handle the ball and may do so only within the penalty area surrounding the goal. The team that scores more goals wins. 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 HIT👊 SUBSCRIBE BUTTON PLEASE 🙏


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Auf diesem Kanal geht es vor allem um Partnerschaft, Bindung, Anziehung, Ex-zurück, No Contact/Kontaktsperre, Persönlichkeitsentwicklung und darum, heutzutage ein ernstzunehmender Mann zu sein, der bekommt was er will ohne Tricks und Spielchen. Für Coachings bitte auf . Ich biete Emailcoaching, Telefoncoaching via Skype und Discord und ein spezielles Mentoringprogramm an. Mehr Infos dazu findet ihr im entsprechenden Video: "Coachings 2022". Für alles Weitere könnt ihr jederzeit Kontakt über mit mir aufnehmen. Discordserver:

The Drunken Spear Tabletop Gaming

1 Follower

Join us in our crazy homebrew adventures, where mayhem and destruction are bound to happen as we play Dungeons & Dragons 5e. Unboxing videos and Giveaways, sometimes we get totally off topic and play around with all sorts of things. You might be thinking like what. Well, I will tell you just what you might expect from the channel. reviews of toys and other merchandise like electronics games etc. Flintlock firearms and any type of gun related activities. Sometimes we might just hang out at the The Drunken Spear Tavern and Talk about all things.