The strength of our Nation lies in its commitment to a Judeo-Christian heritage and moral foundation and to an enduring faith and trust in God and His Providence. The Faith and Freedom Fighters, Robert Muise and David Yerushalmi, are experts in constitutional law with more than 5 decades of legal experience, defending religious liberty, the freedom of speech, and the sanctity of life in federal and state courts across our great country. Robert is a Catholic and served as an infantry officer in the Marine Corps. David is an Orthodox Jew. Through their work, Robert and David seek a return to America’s founding commitment and will discuss this important subject from their own unique expertise and experiences . . . while having some fun doing so.

All Hands On Deck Podcast


All Hands On Deck Podcast provides a platform for all authentic grassroots groups and freedom-loving supporters. Our aim is to highlight the incredible actions happening across the UK and to support communities in becoming more self-sufficient, while decentralising the current power structures. Join us for honest conversations and guidance on how you can get involved! If you would like to come on the show and make your voice heard, or if you know of someone we should be interviewing, or if you simply have comments or questions about the podcast, email us at

Diamond Hand Media Group


The Diamond Hand Media Group (DHMG) is an Entertainment Company & Elite Networking Group. DHMG is composed of growth-minded individuals focused on growing each other mentally, physically, and financially through personal and professional relationships. We are Super Soldiers. We are the 1%. We're on a mission to keep our lives long and our minds strong, and one of the ways we accomplish that mission is through our content. You will find motivational & inspirational podcasts, red pill rabbit holes, world news, and overall content that seeks to provide the Truth behind this thing we call life. You can also find our old content from the first iteration of DHMG. We're not afraid to show our past. It's what's gotten us to where we are today. If you're on a similar mission of seeking the Truth and getting better every day, then you've found the right place! The best is yet to come, because we're always in the race!!



CANAL DE INFORMAÇÕES | GRUPO DE ESTUDOS | CLUBE DO LIVRO | MENTORIA CONSERVADORA. Dra. Thaís Muquici é Vice-Presidente do IIPEP - Instituto Internacional dos Presos e Exilados Políticos, especialista em direito militar, do consumidor, pós graduada em direito civil e processo civil pela UNIFLU, pós graduada em direito penal e processo penal pela LFG, tendo feito inúmeros cursos como atualização do CPC, cálculos trabalhistas, cursos preparatórios para delegado estadual e federal, juiz, promotor e defensor.