She'll Be Right


GAMEPLAYS and a Break from Clown World. - If an Australian says to you 'She'll be right mate" it simply means "It will be ok friend". The reason I made this channel is to take a break from Clown World and thought others might enjoy it too. To say the last 3 or so years has been complete BS would be an understatement and the absurdity continues. I hope to make "She'll be Right' a place you can visit without being lectured to or harassed for awhile. I plan to stream 3-5 nights a week, 8-9pm Australian time.

We tell it like it is.


Ever wonder why people are not asking the questions we are all thinking? We think people are afraid to hurt feelings, well screw your feelings! We grew up in the times where you had to grow a pair or get your ass kicked...and often. If you were raised in a house that disciplined you by counting to three...well this may offend you or even make you cry. We are VERY conservative, of you don't believe me just listen to a few shows. New Podcast every Monday, and Friday. Our Website :

New Zealand and The World is waking up. Freedom rights.


Episode of Fight for Freedom movement in New Zealand and other countries JOIN my Telegram : mandates, covid pass, teachers, nurses, mandatory, Covid, protests, quarantine, provax, kids, churches, coerscion, duress, government, New Zealand, NZ, hold the line, peacefull, march, gathering, masks, regime, poilice, haka, freedom, rights, voices, coalition, Tamaki, fake, mass media, premier, false, segregation, apartheid, unity, fight, stand, awake, concerns

Albert Einstein was 100% wrong; The human mind does conceive the four dimensions.


In short, I believe I have built a model of Albert Einstein’s four dimensions and the math that goes with it. Please just watch this video: Albert Einstein and Nikola Tesla four dimensions I have attached additional photos and links. If I am wrong, please say so. This are Freemason symbols. The six-pointed star (Jewish Star of David) is mathematically E = Mc² = 2πR = 2π/6; Dia. = 1, Cir. = 3 = π [Einstein\\\'s Law of General Relativity and 1st Dimension in Positive Infinity]. The 5-pointed star is 2π/5 (pentagram) or 2π/5 = 2π/6 = 2πR = E = Mc². The swastika is considered sacred in the native American’s Zia Pueblo, as it represents the father of their people. Almost all organized religions have the same sacred geometry/math. Caverna da Pedra Pintada (Painted Rock Cave (in Portuguese)), is an archaeological site in northern Brazil, with evidence of human presence dating ca. 11,200 years ago. On the wall of one cave there is a perfect 6-pointed star. Please prove my video is wrong.

Censorship IS Mind Control


Curating censored, suppressed, and need to know information, from where ever i find it, on any and all topics i find it on. HELP ME SPREAD THE TRUTH. Please watch my ENTIRE back catalogue I only {98%} post the MOST important urgent vids people need to see, and they ALL are heavily censored, and hard to find. sometimes i post multiple times a week, sometime nothing, it depends om what i come across. i spent 16+ hrs a day for 18 month to wake up, after a personal tragedy left me searching for answers-sadly nothing else would have woken me up. That was in 2015. Day by day our situation deteriorates, and will until the masses awaken. THIS CHANNEL IS MY ATTEMPT AT THAT, and i do it with love, and in the hope all people can live in peace, freedom, and happiness. None of which is possible unless you understand whats going on. So please help me shhare this info to Create a better world FOR ALL OF HUMANITY, without the UN, WEF, Gates, Schwab, Thw US gov, and simular groups. We dont need them, they goal isnt to help us anyway. stop falling for the divide and conquer agendas, sure there are assholes out there, there always will be, but black, brown, white, yellow, green, gay, straight, or whatever, 99% have the same goals, to live in peace, the be left alone, and to own your future. Thats why they prefer we fight,

Be in Health


“Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth.” – 3 John 1:2 Have you ever considered that perhaps there is something blocking you from being able to walk in that wholeness of life? We would love to teach you how to be an overcomer: to come alongside you and show you how to recognize the root issues behind disease and to overcome the works of the enemy in your life. Issues like, bitterness, rejection and fear, anxiety, and stress (just to name a few) that break down relationships and lead to disease. May we lead you into restored relationships with God, others and even yourself? We believe that when your spirit is healed and recovered that your body with follow suit. Thousands of people are healed and whole because of the principles they’ve learned here at Be in Health®. And we strive to provide a safe, nurturing environment for you, our brothers and sisters. If you were given the opportunity to learn not just how to survive but to truly thrive would you take it? We would like to extend that opportunity to you right now. We invite you to walk with us in our mission to establish generations of overcomers. “May the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.” – 1 Thessalonians 5:23

Uniglobe Entertainment Verified


Uniglobe Entertainment is a boutique film studio specializing in internationally diverse entertainment, with a focus on socially relevant projects. Profile includes projects such as NBC Peacock’s acclaimed comedy ‘5 Weddings’ with international stars Rajkummar Rao, Nargis Fakhri, and academy award nominees Bo Derek and Candy Clark, WB’s '1 a Minute' (largest theatrical release for a cancer doc; 600 USA theaters) with Olivia Newton-John, Melissa Etheridge, Deepak Chopra and Billy Baldwin and PSA's for the UK Royal Family's Rainforest Project (Prince Charles Trust). 

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CryptoOk is the place where you can get the latest crypto news, project reviews, and cryptocurrency trading advice. Learn about different altcoins, historical Bitcoin cycles, & get the latest Ethereum news. Come be part of our community. DISCLAIMER: Please be advised that I am not a professional advisor in business areas involving finance, cryptocurrency, taxation, securities and commodities trading, or the practice of law. The information and content written, broadcasted, and/or disseminated by and through "CryptoOk" is intended FOR GENERAL INFORMATION PURPOSES ONLY. Nothing written or discussed is intended to be construed, or relied upon, as investment, financial, legal, regulatory, accounting, tax or similar advice, nor should it be. All content expressed, created, and conveyed by "CryptoOk" is premised upon subjective opinions pertaining to currently-existing facts readily available. Bybit registration without verification, authentication and passports. Binance free crypto. Binance Free coin. Binance bot. bybit copy trading, bybit регистрация, tigertrade bybit подключение, bybit tutorial, bybit review, bybit tutorial for beginners. #binance #bitcoin #cryptocurrency #crypto #blockchain #btc #ethereum #coinbase #litecoin #forex #eth #ltc #ripple #hodl #xrp #bitcoinmining #altcoin #altcoins #neo #investing #money #cryptonews #monero #stellar #tron #cardano #binary #trader #millionaire #iota #crypta #nftgame #nftcommunity #nft #bybit #bybittutorial #bybitlaunchpad #bybitexchange #mobilecoin #syscoin #ellipsis epx #epx token #helium crypto #syscoin #reef finance