computer and cyper security


هذه القناه مخصصه لاغراض التقنيه البحته والتكنولوجيا التى يتم تطويرها بشكل مرعب وهدفى فى هذه القناه هو نشر العلم إلى الشباب الذى يرغب فى العلم فى هذه المجال ومن المجالات اللتى سوف نتناول فى الحديث عنها هى مجال الهاكر الاخلاقى والامن السيبرانى وعلوم التشفير وكل ما هو يتعلق بالتكنولوجيا الحديثه واهم التقنيات المطوره فى هذه العصر الذى نعيش فيه لنواكب هذه التطور الرهيب فى التكنولوجيا This channel is devoted to the purposes of pure technology and technology that are developed horribly and my goal in this channel is to spread knowledge to young people who wish to know in this field and one of the areas that we will address in talking about is the field of moral hacker and cybersecurity and cipher sciences and everything that is related to modern technology And the most important technologies developed in this era in which we live to keep pace with this terrible development in technology Cybersecurity Essentials - Certified ✓ Introduction to Cybersecurity- Certified ✓



Pinpoint Investigations & Security Corp. New Jersey || At Pinpoint, we understand you have many options in the realm of Security and Investigations, and we’re committed to earning your trust. Our seasoned team oversees and conducts investigations for high-profile Fortune 500 Companies and their Legal Representatives. These industry leaders count on us for robust corporate and personal security services for their executive teams. We maintain collaborative relationships with various Commercial and Residential Properties, Health Care Facilities, and Construction Zones across Middlesex, Monmouth, Union, Somerset, Ocean, Essex, and Hudson counties in the Tri-State region. Our resourcefulness and ability to rapidly adjust make us the right choice in an ever-changing, fast-paced environment. In addition, we’re experts in unearthing and investigating trademark, copyright, and patent violations both in the physical marketplace and online. We also scrutinize product diversion and unauthorized imports that breach contractual obligations and affect pricing structures unfairly. Our offerings are elevated by our ready access to a wealth of online public records, strengthening our capabilities in loss prevention and theft investigation—areas where we’ve shown long-standing excellence. Among our specialized services are the employment of undercover agents in corporate environments to obtain information otherwise inaccessible by standard methods. We are unwavering in our commitment to meet our clients’ goals through professional, cost-effective, and timely solutions. We place immense value on the interpersonal relationships between our clients and our staff, recognizing it as a cornerstone in delivering high-quality service. || Address: Middlesex, NJ 08846, USA || Phone: 732-376-3004 || Website: