The Oscars


If you are passionate about the Oscars Academy Awards and love to stay up-to-date on all the latest news and happenings in the film industry, then you should definitely check out our YouTube channel! Our channel is dedicated to reposting videos related to the Oscars, including highlights from past ceremonies, interviews with nominees and winners, and analysis of this year's nominees and potential winners. By following our channel, you'll get access to all the most exciting and insightful content related to the Oscars Academy Awards. You'll be able to relive your favorite moments from past ceremonies, learn about the most buzzed-about films of the year, and stay in the know on all the latest predictions and insider information. Whether you're a film buff or just enjoy watching the Oscars, our channel is the perfect place for you. So what are you waiting for? Give our channel a like, comment on your favorite videos, and hit that follow button to stay up-to-date on all the latest Oscars Academy Awards content. We can't wait to share all the excitement and drama of this year's ceremony with you!



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Um pouco de minha vida nos games e em busca de saúde


Meu nome é Leandro, formado em Analise e Desenvolvimento de Sistemas e atuo na área. Casado, Pai de um filho lindão que amo de coração 💜💜💜 Porque Tiozão? Adotei a tag porque a idade esta chegando, os reflexos não são mais os mesmos, sem falar que é uma boa desculpa. Se vencer tiro onda, se perder a desculpa é a idade kkkk Adoro estar com minha família, mas me considero um bom gamer. A idade chega mas o teclado e o joystick estão sempre na mão e coração.