Kornelia Lein - Human Right Defender - free Journalist


Menschenrechtsverteidigerin gemäß Leitlinien der EU & Declaration on Human Rights Defenders 53/144, Artikel 1 & 25 Grundgesetz sowie der bay. Verfassung Artikel 84 sowie aller aus radifizierten völker- & menschenrechtlichen Verträgen entstandenen vertraglichen Bindung des Freistaats Bayern & der Bundesrepublik Deutschland sowie der Europäischen Union oder anderer Vertragspartner www.menschenrechte-deutschland.de Ich bin auch als freie Journalistin gemäß Artikel 5 GG tätig sowie der neuesten Rechtssprechung VG Minden AZ 1 L 729/23 tätig. Ich habe weitere Videos auf meinem Rumble Video Kanal & auf telegram mehrere Gruppen. Sollte mein Kanal hier gesperrt sein, findet Ihr mich dort. Wer meine Arbeit unterstützen will kann mich mit einer Zuwendung unterstützen & mich direkt über meine Kanäle kontaktieren. Mehr dazu https://rumble.com/vrcrwz-24.12.2021-das-ergebnis-der-zersetzung-des-staates.html oder an kornelia.lein@menschenrechte-deutschland.de eine Nachricht schicken

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The Nonsense-Free Editor


The Nonsense-Free Editor is all about giving editing advice, writing pep talks, and book reviews that will make your writing better while saving money on editing and formatting services. I give all the secrets and tips those author service platforms don't want you to know. This channel is here to share my knowledge. And there's a lot of it: - Full-time editor (day job and side-hustle) for 15 years - Expert in Academic Writing (APA, MLA theses and dissertations) - Author of 2 paranormal and time travel series - Commercial memoir expert with coaching clients and a course There's a lot of fluff out there for writers and authors, but we take our craft seriously here. Stick around for your weekly dose of nonsense-free living. Find me at Nonsensefreeeditor.com

short episodic videos highlighting intriguing happenings on a semi-regular basis. It's also a community held at locals . com


#DaamnTalk : An episodic series of interviews featuring the unique viewpoints, established perspectives & unpopular opinions of (extra)ordinarily Americans such as You. Message today! Found experimentally wherever social media is, experientially a community on 'Locals'.com , a blog on 'ThinkSpot' & centralized at daamntalk.com (where the following excerpt, (mission statement), can be found in it's entirety accompanied by the ' DT CommStan's ' and contact info to virtually feature on an episode! #DaamnKam "The year was 2021, fed up with the modern day book burnings within the book of faces & after having been shadow-banned more than Alex Jones had been regular-banned, seeing the 'free web's looming collapse into a privatization of information - a select group of TruthSeekers & LedgeWalkers decided enough was enough! From everywhere they flocked to contribute to DaamnTalk; free thinkers, revolutionaries, conspiracy theorists, philosophers, activists, occultists & everyone in between & outside the 'norm' – banning together as teachers & students alike all attempting to lighten the load, share the pain, shed the light, swap the surface and chase the truth- 'DaamnTalk' is primarily a podcast, short episodic videos highlighting intriguing happenings on a semi-regular basis. It's also a community held at locals . com ...So, what'll we talk about(?) Anything. Everything. Even a little of nothing!!! Our motto is "People proceed information", because we, 'put folks before facts', however, we believe that the 'What' that's being discussed is More important than 'Who' is doing the discussing. Apply to feature on the show & join me as we deliver the viewers notable content in a simple, fast-paced, fun way; nothing's off limitwe're talking content that stands out during this wildly-wacky exhilarating & exciting, (admittedly frightening), age of politically-dividing attention-span-deficit tik-tok-timing’ - Please get the word out! Follow, become a Member on Locals, Share our channel, re-post This, Share & Share! *Anyone who appreciates the #joeroganexperience will vibe with our format & YOU can pick the content! (*Anything intellectually stunning, mind blowing, game changing, under-reported, misrepresented, or downright untrue! *Bring it our way & potentially feature on an episode!! *We promise to say whatever we daamn well believe. *We promise to defend your rights - to the same - and to disagree" message us today at daamntalk@gmail.com - DaamnKam (of) 'DaamnTalk', "Where People Proceed Information"

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