3 FollowersCanadian Centre for Bio-Ethical Reform
3 FollowersWe are an educational human rights organization dedicated to making abortion unthinkable. Learn more at
Before And After - Combat
3 FollowersReformadores da Palavra
3 Followers“Jesus atravessou de novo, numa barca, para a outra margem. Uma numerosa multidão se reuniu junto dele, e Jesus ficou na praia. Aproximou-se, então, um dos chefes da sinagoga, chamado Jairo. Quando viu Jesus, caiu a seus pés, e pediu com insistência: ‘Minha filhinha está nas últimas. Vem e põe as mãos sobre ela, para que ela sare e viva!’ Jesus então o acompanhou. Uma numerosa multidão o seguia e o comprimia. Ora, achava-se ali uma mulher que, há doze anos, estava com uma hemorragia; tinha sofrido nas mãos de muitos médicos, gastou tudo o que possuía, e, em vez de melhorar, piorava cada vez mais. Tendo ouvido falar de Jesus, aproximou-se dele por detrás, no meio da multidão, e tocou na sua roupa. Ela pensava: ‘Se eu ao menos tocar na roupa dele, ficarei curada’. A hemorragia parou imediatamente, e a mulher sentiu dentro de si que estava curada da doença. Jesus logo percebeu que uma força tinha saído dele. E, voltando-se no meio da multidão, perguntou: ‘Quem tocou na minha roupa?’ Os discípulos disseram: ‘Estás vendo a multidão que te comprime e ainda perguntas: ‘Quem me tocou’?’ Ele, porém, olhava ao redor para ver quem havia feito aquilo. A mulher, cheia de medo e tremendo, percebendo o que lhe havia acontecido, veio e caiu aos pés de Jesus, e contou-lhe toda a verdade. Ele lhe disse: ‘Filha, a tua fé te curou. Vai em paz e fica curada dessa doença’. Ele estava ainda falando, quando chegaram alguns da casa do chefe da sinagoga, e disseram a Jairo: ‘Tua filha morreu. Por que ainda incomodar o mestre?’ Jesus ouviu a notícia e disse ao chefe da sinagoga: ‘Não tenhas medo. Basta ter fé!’ E não deixou que ninguém o acompanhasse, a não ser Pedro, Tiago e seu irmão João. Quando chegaram à casa do chefe da sinagoga, Jesus viu a confusão e como estavam chorando e gritando. Então, ele entrou e disse: ‘Por que essa confusão e esse choro? A criança não morreu, mas está dormindo’. Começaram então a caçoar dele. Mas, ele mandou que todos saíssem, menos o pai e a mãe da menina, e os três discípulos que o acompanhavam. Depois entraram no quarto onde estava a criança. Jesus pegou na mão da menina e disse: ‘Talitá cum’ – que quer dizer: ‘Menina, levanta-te!’ Ela levantou-se imediatamente e começou a andar, pois tinha doze anos. E todos ficaram admirados. Ele recomendou com insistência que ninguém ficasse sabendo daquilo. E mandou dar de comer à menina”. Mc 5,21-43
The Reformed Redneck
3 FollowersReformed Theology and all things Redneck
3 FollowersReformertTroogTanke
3 FollowersReferendum Legge Lorenzin
3 FollowersRiaffermare la LIBERTA' DI SCELTA, e il diritto dei genitori di scegliere l'opportunità, l'idoneità e la necessità di sottoporre il proprio figlio a trattamenti vaccinali.
Jack Bosma Translation Service Referrals
3 FollowersLet's collaborate! Thanks, Jack Bosma "Inspect what you expect."
Trad Before it was Fad
3 FollowersJust a stay at home mom with a love of vintage recipes and learning new household tricks... oh and bread!
3 FollowersRyanHaywoodReforged
3 FollowersSpaceBefore
3 FollowersPreferiamoilParadiso
3 FollowersReformedJedi
3 Followersnopearlsbeforeswines
3 FollowersWildlife traditionally refers to undomesticated animal species
3 FollowersWildlife traditionally refers to undomesticated animal species, but has come to include all organisms that grow or live wild in an area without being introduced by humans.[1] Wildlife can be found in all ecosystems. Deserts, forests, rainforests, plains, grasslands, and other areas, including the most developed urban areas, all have distinct forms of wildlife. While the term in popular culture usually refers to animals that are untouched by human factors, most scientists agree that much wildlife is affected by human
100 Years Before The Mast
2 FollowersOpenYourMindBeforeYourMouth
2 Followersreformusa
2 FollowersJustBeforeSunsetIsdarkestPartOfnight
2 FollowersBeforeThe123Podcast
2 FollowersCartBeforeTheHorseProductions
2 FollowersOnline Church
2 FollowersWelcome to Reformed Online Fellowship where we worship the Lord every Sunday with Song and Praise and God's word being taught by Pastor Bernard Harper. We are a 1689 LBCF Church. Services streamed every Wednesday evening at 6:30PM est and every Sunday at 10:30AM.
2 FollowersReformAgainst
2 FollowersWelcome to InspireForge, where the sparks of motivation are forged into the flames of inspiration! Unleash the power within you as we craft a journey of self-discovery, resilience, and personal growth. Join our community dedicated to shaping dreams, forging success, and igniting the fire that propels you towards greatness. It's time to hammer out your aspirations and build a stronger, more inspired version of yourself at InspireForge! 🔥💪
2 FollowersThe strangely satisfying video that will relax you before bed!
2 FollowersStrangely satisfying video that will relax you before bed!
Rule of Thumb refers to an approximate method for doing something, based on practical experience rather than theory. ~Wiki
2 FollowersEducational & Motivational contents, Positivity & Therapy
Reformation Gospel
2 FollowersDiscover the healing truth and all your efforts to be accepted by God will finally be brought to rest; The Gospel with Full-preterist-Eschatology and Achieved Universal Redemption by the Faith of Christ --- Entdecken Sie die heilende Wahrheit und alle Ihre Bemühungen von Gott angenommen zu werden, wird endlich zur Ruhe gebracht werden; Das Evangelium mit Voller-Präteristischer Eschatologie und Vollendeter Universeller Erlösung durch den Glauben Christi
The calm before
2 FollowersHave You Seen it Before
2 FollowersThis channel is for entertainment
Weight Loss Before And After
2 FollowersHow to lose weight? What is healthy weight loss? It is natural for anyone who wants to lose weight to want to do it quickly. However, the evidence shows that people who lost weight gradually and steadily (1 to 2 pounds per week) had better results in keeping it off. Losing weight in a healthy way is not just about following a diet or program. It is a lifestyle that includes healthy eating and regular physical activity. Once you've reached a healthy weight, rely on healthy eating and physical activity to help maintain your new weight for the long term. Losing weight is not easy, and it requires commitment. But if you're ready to get started, we've got a step-by-step guide to help you down the road to weight loss and better health. Even moderate weight loss can bring great benefits The good news is that no matter what your weight-loss goal is, even if you lose a modest amount, such as 5-10% of your total body weight, you will likely have beneficial health outcomes, such as improvements in blood pressure, cholesterol and blood glucose.1 For example, if you weigh 200 pounds, a 5% weight loss equals 10 pounds, so your weight would drop to 190 pounds. While this weight may still be within the range for overweight or obesity, this modest loss may lower your risk factors for chronic obesity-related diseases. Although the overall goal seems huge, see it as a road ahead rather than a final destination. You will be able to learn new eating and physical activity habits that will help you lead a healthier life. These new habits can help keep the weight off over time. For example, a study that included participants from the National Weight Control Registryexternal icon found that those who lost a significant amount of weight and kept it off reported improvements not only in their physical health, but on your energy level, physical mobility, general mood, and self-esteem. Do you want to know more? How to start View our step-by-step guide to help get you on the road to weight loss and better health. How to improve your eating habits Your eating habits may be the cause of your weight gain; For example, eating too fast, always finishing everything on your plate, eating when you're not hungry, and skipping meals (or maybe just breakfast). How not to regain lost weight Losing weight is the first step. Once you've lost weight, learn how to avoid gaining it back. Bibliographic references 1Reference for 5%: Blackburn G. (1995). Effect of degree of weight loss on health benefits. Obesity Research 3: 211S-216S. 2 Reference for 10%: NIH, NHLBI Obesity Education Initiative. Clinical Guidelines for the Identification, Evaluation and Treatment of Overweight and Obesity in Adults. Available on the Internet:
2 FollowersReformerte Lekmenn
2 FollowersReformerte Lekmenn er en kristen podkast som tar opp aktuelle, kontroversielle og teologiske temaer som er nyttige til lærdom og oppbyggelse av Guds folk. Trenger du et avbrekk fra hylekoret der ute i verden, kan dette være podkasten for deg!
2 Followerswatchbeforetheydelete
2 FollowersIt seems like you're referring to a specific term or name, but it's not entirely clear. Could you clarify what "The Great Caliki Barometer Boxer Champion" refers to? Are you asking about a
2 FollowersHello friend please subscribe my channel