Redeeming Grace Baptist Church Verified


This channel post videos and weekly sermons explaining how the Bible collides with our culture. Our Pastor Mike O\'Brien, teaches verse by verse from the Bible. We unashamedly teach that the Word of God is perfect in every way. A high view of God and His Word is absolutely necessary in order to live the Christian life God has called all believers to live. With this in mind we teach: Integrity of Scripture: The Word of God is fully inspired, that is God-breathed (2 Tim. 3:16-17), thus it is inerrant, that is without error (Ps. 18:30; 2 Sam. 22:31). Authority of Scripture: Whatever the Word says I must do! If we are to have a biblical philosophy of ministry, it must seek its sole authority from the Word of God. “Jesus said, ‘Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God’ (Matt. 4:4). Sufficiency of Scripture: The Word of God is completely sufficient to save (Rom. 10:17) and to sanctify the believer in every way necessary (2 Pet. 1:3).

The Plant-based Lifestyle Is Optimal! Genesis 1:29


Plant-based, Health, Healing, Nature... What is this channel about? It is all about sharing the good news of Plant-based eating and how through nourishing your body, the body can, in most instances, heal itself. Through an unscripted, laid back and chit chatty format, we share our lives, our truths, our views on many matters not limited to Plant-based. The most important decision we make daily, is what we eat. 300 million cells are replaced daily. It is what we eat today that decides who we are tomorrow, quite literally. We are not experts. We are not giving advice. We are giving out our truths and having fun in the process. We hope that your life will be blessed in the process.

Ride Your Ride Podcast


The IronPonyLife community is a vibrant and engaged group centered around the IronPonyLife podcast. This community is passionate about motorcycle safety, health, and storytelling. Members come together to share experiences, tips, and stories related to motorcycling, emphasizing the importance of safety on the road. The community values: Safety Awareness: Members are keen on promoting safe riding practices, sharing advice on gear, road conditions, and riding techniques. Health and Fitness: There is a strong focus on maintaining physical fitness, with members often discussing workout routines, health tips, and nutrition to ensure they stay in top shape for riding. Storytelling: Personal stories and experiences are a big part of the community, with members sharing their journeys, challenges, and triumphs both on and off the bike. Supportive Environment: The community is supportive and encouraging, offering advice and motivation to each other. This includes tips for new riders, fitness encouragement, and personal growth stories. Social Interaction: Engaging conversations and social interactions are key, with members connecting over shared interests and building friendships. Overall, the IronPonyLife community is a close-knit group of motorcycle enthusiasts dedicated to safe riding, healthy living, and sharing compelling stories.