Prophetic Fire


Welcome to Prophetic Fire! This channel is dedicated to exploring and sharing the Word of God, the prophetic, and prophetic words. I am passionate about experiencing and showcasing the powerful movement of the Holy Spirit in our lives and the world today. Join me for: In-depth teachings from the Bible. Inspirational prophetic messages and insights. Real-life testimonies of the Holy Spirit’s work. Guidance on how to cultivate a deeper relationship with God and operate in the prophetic. Whether you’re new to faith or a seasoned believer, my aim is to encourage and equip you in your spiritual journey. Subscribe and be a part of this vibrant community, ignited by the fire of God’s Spirit!

Calvary Prophecy Report


I have been teaching Bible prophecy and how it relates to current events for nearly two decades. You can find me listed on Who's Who In Bible Prophecy as one of the top Bible prophecy experts of our generation. I am an author, teacher, speaker and founder of My website provides Biblical insight into current world events and prophecy updates that keep you informed as to where we are on God's prophetic calendar. I emphasize a pre-tribulation rapture of the church and the soon coming seven-year peace treaty with Israel. I have authored and charted a chronological timeline that details the events of the tribulation period, Millennium, judgments, and the Eternal State. I also have a tribulation period survival section for those left behind. This channel is dedicated to teaching the soon coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and presenting videos that describe the signs leading up to the rapture and events of the tribulation period.

Prophecies of Hope


If you are worried about the future of a chaotic world and feeling lost or afraid of what may happen next, you may find hope by watching Prophecies of Hope with Gary Gibbs and special guests, Dee Casper and Christy Rodriguez. Join Gary Gibbs for a journey through the books of Daniel and Revelation as he explores the links between the two books and how their prophecies have been perfectly fulfilled. These Prophecies of Hope Bible studies will help you understand God's plan and look forward to the future with peace and security. Watch today to learn about Jesus's love for humanity and what to expect for the "last days," according to the Bible.