创造性社会是全人类的一项工程,它提供了机会,使我们的文明在尽可能短的时间内和平地进入一个进化发展的新阶段。 这个项目的主要目标是 在世界范围内建立以人类生命为最高价值的创造性社会。 项目目标: - 以和平的方式为在整个地球上建设创造性社会创造条件。 - 询问世界各地的人们是否愿意生活在创造性的社会中,以及他们如何看待这个社会。 - 提供一个全球性、国际性、开放的平台,讨论在人类生活的各个领域中创造性社会的概念和模式。 - 寻求团结全人类的新途径,为每个人积极参与社会生活创造条件,不论其社会地位、宗教或民族。 官方网站: https://creativesociety.com/zh 电子邮件: info@creativesociety.com

SlavikLife SHOW | World News. Politics. USA, Russia, China


Breaking news live, politics! The war in Ukraine, the Gaza Strip. Speech by military analysts and interviews. Discussion of global geopolitical events. Breaking news from the front of Ukraine and the Gaza Strip. Speech by leading military experts: Scott Ritter, Judge Napolitano, Colonel Douglas McGregor, Jackson Hinkle, Tucker Carlson and many other analysts! The war room and the discussion of the war live with the author of the channel. #news #politics #media #svo #russia #USA #ukraine All information provided in this video is published solely for entertainment purposes and is the personal judgment of the author, it is not a recommendation, and also does not pretend to be reliable, any coincidences are accidental. If you liked the video or my work, then the best way to say THANK YOU is to LIKE this video and SUBSCRIBE ;) You can also support my projects with donations or translations ;): Donations: https://www.donationalerts.com/r/slaviklife Russia: 5536 9138 7940 4032 Kazakhstan: 4463 7555 5206 4819 UAE and the World: 4439 1372 4522 1679



⪼⪼Each kundalini yoga session can work with any deficiencies and problems related to the body and psyche. They are cleansing and healing through a specific structure of exercises (kriyas). ≪≪ ❢Join my practice all who are interested and open mind and heart to deep self-knowledge and healing.❢ Thank you for visiting my BitCHute channel.♡ I will also put together an individualized complex for the recovery or rehabilitation of your body or just as a preventive measure. Don't be afraid of the word yoga or kunadlini-yoga. These are exercises that consciously, mentally and physically change and revitalize you and your body. It is like a sport, but very conscious and exciting. I want to stipulate right away (so as not to waste your precious time) that an individualized complex may not be free. Contact me through my website and we can always make an arrangement. ⇩ My site : https://kundalphilosophy.com I send you rays of kindness and love.💙 Support Kundalphilosophy. com My site : https://kundalphilosophy.com DONATE 🦋 Donations to this channel allows me to keep creating new content + keeps kundalini yoga free & accessible to all. If you'd like to donate you can use the accounts: PrivatBank EVR: 4149 4991 0990 5602 PrivatBank USD: 4731 1856 0075 8590 PayPal TatianNaga@protonmail.com Thank you for supporting my work!