Marcus L. Petersen | Guided Meditations


I've provided this channel for people who need some help on Meditation Practices (Including some wonderful Guided Meditations), and perhaps some Wisdom every now and then. If you find that this channel is of use to you, then i'm happy to oblige. QUOTE: "BE the change you want to see in this world, and come fully into the Now. Only there will you find the essence of your Being, and only there can change start to happen. Not Yesterday nor Tomorrow, but 'NOW'." ~ Marcus L. Petersen

Funny petes


Welcome to the Funny petes, where you can find lots of cute, funny and adorable videos about Pets. If you are an animal lover, you are in the right place. Because we will bring you daily videos of cutest and Funnest Pets in the world. Are you ready for that? Pets are friends that you can love and they will love you back, too! Pets are fun to play with. And when you're sad, sometimes pets will make you feel better. Make sure to subscribe and hit the bell for daily updates. Super Dog is always waiting for you #Funnypetes #funny petes #funn pets, #funny pets, funnypetes, funny petes funny cat funnu dog videos