Dirigindo pelo Brasil


Bem-vindo(a) ao canal "Dirigindo pelo Brasil"! Aqui você encontrará uma incrível coleção de vídeos gravados diretamente das ruas de algumas cidades brasileiras, enquanto estou dirigindo. Se você é um apaixonado por viagens, aventuras e explorar novos lugares, este é o lugar certo para você! Acompanhe-me em uma jornada virtual pelas ruas de algumas cidades do Brasil, Cada vídeo oferecerá uma experiência imersiva, permitindo que você se sinta como se estivesse sentado(a) no banco do passageiro, observando o trajeto. Não se esqueça de se inscrever no canal, ativar o sininho de notificações para receber atualizações sobre os novos vídeos e deixar seu like e comentários para compartilhar suas impressões e sugestões de novos destinos. Então, venha comigo e vamos iniciar essa jornada incrível pelo Brasil, descobrindo as belezas escondidas nas ruas de nossas cidades! #DirigindoPeloBrasil #ExplorandoCidades #ViagensVirtuais #PaisagensUrbanas Welcome to the "Driving through Brazil" channel! Here you will find an incredible collection of videos recorded straight from the streets of some Brazilian cities while I'm driving. If you are passionate about traveling, adventures, and exploring new places, this is the right place for you! Join me on a virtual journey through the streets of some cities in Brazil. Each video will offer an immersive experience, allowing you to feel as if you were sitting in the passenger seat, observing the route. Don't forget to subscribe to the channel, turn on the notification bell to receive updates about new videos, and leave your likes and comments to share your impressions and suggest new destinations. So, come with me and let's embark on this amazing journey through Brazil, discovering the hidden beauties on the streets of our cities! #DrivingThroughBrazil #ExploringCities #VirtualTravel #UrbanLandscapes

Beyond Media Distortion The Gospel of Science


William Douglas is an award-winning author and global media source on Mind Body, Consciousness Science, and Media Distortion, the 2009 Inductee to the World Internal Arts Hall of Fame in New York, and is the Founder and Int'l Director of a global Mind Body event that Princeton University born GCP Research Project found "increased coherence in global consciousness." His newest book blows the hinges off of widely accepted myths such as "increasing violent crime" and "increasing violence" in America and the world. Douglas's 40 year journey into the science on human consciousness, that included teaching Mind Body for maximum security prisons like Folsom, led to science of consciousness and physics and behavioral science, revealing an entirely different and vastly more hopeful world than corporate media will ever report on--yet this science is the most important science for the future of humanity. This channel's content will figuratively and literally blow your mind. And you can enjoy Mind Body Stress Management experiences with the author, who has taught Mind Body Stress Management for many of the world's largest corporations, health networks, etc. for over 30 years.