

Criado para compartilhar diversos temas, desde educação Financeira, Consumo consciente, Mantras, frequências solfeggio, Ho'oponopono, sobre a Vida, saúde, alimentação saudável, espiritualidade, temas sensíveis sobre possível verdade sobre a historia da humanidade, manipulações dos governos, dicas e muitas teorias... Created to share various topics, Financial education, Conscious Consumption, Man, solfeggio frequencies, since'oponopono on Life, health, healthy eating, spirituality, topics, about possible about your history of humanity, manipulations of governments, tips and many theories. ..

Parti Scientifique Citoyen


Le Parti Scientifique Citoyen est un parti politique sans idéologie, ni clivage gauche / droite. De façon scientifique et méthodique, nous examinons les diverses lois et leurs impacts directs sur la société actuelle. Les rapports scientifiques financés par des lobbys, ainsi que les entreprises concernées, ne seront pas pris en considération. Proche de nos concitoyens, nous nous engageons à trouver des solutions innovantes, rationnelles et durables.

Patty's Playhouse


Hi! This channel is for TRUE CRIME JUNKIES! Who isn't ONE? This is Patty's Playhouse, a mix of a giggle and crime. We laugh at how crazy and dumb the criminals are! We pray for the victims and their loved ones left behind. We want justice for all. Patty is KOOL a "keen observer of life" After working in real estate for 20+ years as a broker and residential property appraiser, Patty likes to keep her observations and analysis real and raw. We follow along with cases we know and obsess over. If you have any suggestions for cases to follow, let us know! We don't mean to offend intentionally, but sometimes, we must. Patty's opinions are her own. Patty and her business partner and co-host, Scott, own The Brokerage, a concierge-style real estate service. For more information and to connect with Patty and Scott, interested individuals can contact us at 850.656.0009 or Patty & Scott are available to come to speak at your next event!