Arautos do Evangelho
17 FollowersOuça os mais belos cantos gregorianos
Ouça os mais belos cantos gregorianos
Um canal criado por um brasileiro comum do povo.
Acontecimentos destes tempos finais.
Multiplayer// Co-Op Play// Drop Activition or Epic ID in chat and party up// Estoopid gamers// Rocket League// C.O.D.// Duo Streams with Teammate POV// You never know what the mics of late night gamers will bring
Hey to everyone!! We are two young adults, Despina 24 and Deivids 25 renovating an old farm house from 1817 in Latvia. Everything in and out of our house has been done by ourselves with no hired help. DIY is going to apply to nearly everything in our house. Our budget is tight and that has made us appreciate every “ugly” part of this house and turn it into something new and beautiful. We give new life to things that others would throw away! In this journey we are not alone! We are starting up our little Farmily: 7 Goats & 2 Bucks 3 Sheep 4 chickens & 3 Chicks 1 Rooster and 3 Geese Oh yeah and our cat Ivi & Dog Keita Despite our daily problems we are two young people full of joy and happiness, ready to start a new crazy chapter in our life. It wouldn’t be fair to keep this fun just for us! That’s why we want YOU to also be part of our Farmily!! We love our very supportive community!! Thank you so much for the support you are giving us. Every view, like, share, subscribe and financial support means a lot to us. Any support is extremely appreciated! DONATE: If you want to support our crazy projects (PAYPAL) Support us on Patreon: Patreon Let's you support us financially every month with your desired amount. Our Instagram:
What if it’s possible to live like that every day? Would you wake up after 9 a.m? Have perfect health? Maybe fire your boss? Have the money and time freedom to do what you love most? The world is your oyster. Where would you be? Who would you be with? The possibilities are endless! Weather you believe it’s possible for you or not, you CAN make more, work less and live free! Welcome to Freedom Hack Radio, where Entrepreneur, Bestselling Author, World Traveler and Adventurer, Bryce Robertson and special guests crack the code on: money, health, relationships, spirituality and having fun doing what you love most. Be inspired to create your own self-designed freedom lifest
Olá, sou o Prof. Dr. Robson Oliveira. Sou professor de filosofia, escritor e analista político. Compartilho com vocês temas de formação humana, artes, virtudes e educação. Aqui você encontra dicas sobre temas de atualidades. Tudo sob o olhar da filosofia! Um jeito inteligente de ver o mundo. Faça parte de nosso grupo no Telegram: 👉 Leia meus artigos: 👉 Gazeta do Povo:
Random stuff we do
All about tile and how to install it correctly, how to videos, tips and tricks, actual installations of tile jobs of all kinds. I am a tile installer with more than 36 years experience, my videos that try to convey the proper way of installing tile in all types of situations, and I describe why things are done a certain way and try to help you avoid costly mistakes. New video every Sunday Afternoon and occasional mid week video. I am a tile contractor and Own Elite-Tile Company on Boston’s North Shore. Installing tile the wrong way does not guarantee failure, installing it the right way does ensure success. Always follow TCNA methods and standards and manufacturer recommendations. Modern times has seen great changes and improvements to the industry, old school methods are still relevant, but modern materials have improved efficiency and simplified installations, but still require qualified labor trained in all aspects of tile installation. So please Subscribe, and thank you.
I'm Herschel Sterling. Evoking questions for your smartbrain to ponder. 20-30 minutes, tops. Great for waking up from sleep or getting ready to sleep I present a thought experiment in the form of a story or description. At the end of the show I'll ask you a related question to ponder. Then, you can leave a comment about it and interact with other listeners if you'd like. I suggest my Substack account which I link below I may read your comments on the Friday Feedback Show. Use a Rumble Rant or "Buy Me a Coffee" for a definite read of your comment/ contribution To sign up for email updates, subscribe to It's free and you have access to everything I do there. Thank you very much. You shine like a STAR.
Conservative Patriot, Trumpster and Proud Deplorable!!
Canal criado para fortalecer a fé dos irmãos cristãos, leitura de trechos das Escrituras sagradas com as revelações que recebi do Espirito Santo, informar e avisar sobre as noticias, pois nos é recomendado orar e vigiar para ficarmos atentos aos acontecimentos e aos sinais que precedem a volta de Jesus no livro de Apocalipse. Venha conversar conosco no nosso grupo do Telegram:
Welcome to your Internet Daily Doing where I search for the best trending videos, or videos people have forgotten about, and put them all in one video. I always ask for permission to share videos that I find! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If YOU film a video and think it is good enough to be featured on Daily Dose Of Internet, you can submit videos to me using the link below. Only send in videos that you personally filmed. If you are not 18, you can have a parent or guardian sign for you. ------------------------------------ Business Inquires: Hit me up on my social media. I can't give out email due to spam. ------------------------------------
Segurança e Saúde do Trabalho
Out family adventures
Canal de historinhas narradas da Turma da Mônica, continua no YouTube, mas agora também vai ter historinhas superlegais nessa plataforma também.
O planeta sendo invadido pelo comunismo, socialismo, nova ordem mundial, corrupção e terrorismo
Animes, filmes, livros e jogos comentados pra você por um sertanejo sem farpas na língua
Mechanical and repair, DIY projects real estate topics, money topics
From best-selling book to the sitcom we’ve been waiting for… Finally, entertainment without the indoctrination of a godless worldview.
Welcome to "Do You Know This ?", our main motive is to spread knowledge of our day to day life, some science-related & some unknown facts. So keep watching our videos, like it & share it. Thanking You
A coleção "incompleta" dos DVD'S fã de RogueCH Informações: Editor: Filmora X Episódios: Fórum Canal Chaves e Chespirotadas Volumes: 10 Volumes Arte feito por: RogueCH 3D: Foi Sem Querer Querendo BGM's: Lo Mejor de Chespirito, Foi Sem Querer Querendo, RogueCH & UCH Universo Chespirito. Isso Isso Isso~
Fun diy-projects, crafts, experience the joy of doing it yourself! OFFICIAL CHANNEL.
Technology, phones, tablets, computers, OS's, and all things tech
Descubra os bastidores eletrizantes dos parques eólicos e solares, subestações de potência e linhas de transmissão! Bate-papos animados com os verdadeiros super-heróis que constroem, operam e mantêm a infraestrutura energética do futuro!
Acontecimentos e debates sobre o Brasil e os Brasileiros.
Aqui você vai encontrar uma variedade de receitas, que podem ser servidas em todas as ocasiões e agradam a todos os paladares.Quando escolher uma receita para fazer faça com amor,isso torna o trabalho do cozinheiro mais divertido e a refeição mais interessante para quem você fez.Bom apetite
Este canal não é administrado pelo Padre José Augusto. É mantido por fãs e admiradores com a única finalidade de evangelizar por meio da replicação artística em vídeo, de modo gratuito e espontâneo, das suas homilias diárias gravadas em áudio.
Seja bem vindo ao canal "Gibis do Rapha 2". Aqui nesse canal, eu postarei histórias em quadrinhos não-narradas da Turma da Mônica, nos seguintes horários: 11:00 horas - História Não-Narrada 1 19:00 horas - História Não-Narrada 2 Para historinhas narradas, se inscreva no canal "Gibis do Rapha 2": Espero que vocês curtam este canal e se inscrevam. :)
Canal dedicado a gameplays e futuramente análises de jogos já antigos.
Different do it yourself projects, hacks, tips and tricks for professional results.
QUALIDADES E IMPERFEIÇÕES EM PAUTA Falando sobre tudo que pode agregar ao nosso desenvolvimento e comportamento humano. Seja no âmbito pessoal ou profissional
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