

Think to speak and not Babylon: Do words have have power in and of them selves, or do we apply the power through the intent of our hearts? Words are combinations of characters used for the transfer of information. This answer is factual, tangible, and concise. However, it could be argued that words are the real-time manifestation of axiomatic presuppositions that are themselves based on anecdotal experiences. Without knowing it, we use words to build the foundations and positions by which we experience the world, and our words are received by strangers who filter them through their own experiences. In this way, words shape how we are perceived by others and the world around us. Words are multidimensional yet linear, material yet immaterial, and the same words can give hope to the spiritual and the secular, all at once and across time. Using the words of antiquity, we shape our future by positioning ourselves in the present. Words can appear meaningless, and yet, in the beginning, there was the word. Words are used for the communication of ideas, and yet, communication seems a secondary function. If so, what is the primary function of "a word?"

Nikola Tesla Brasil


Objetivo do canal Nikola Tesla Brasil, é ressaltar a importância do maior inventor visionário de todos os tempos, dando lhe todo o crédito e a devida importância e a continuação também de seu legado, para os que são admiradores de seu trabalho, possam ainda cada vez mais lhe conhecer, ficando impressionado com seus feitos, contribuição para humanidade, e para aqueles que ainda não os conhecer que fiquem cada vez mais maravilhados pela sua genialidade, conhecimento, sabedoria e filosofia de vida. "Para nos conhecermos devemos ir além da esfera de nossas percepções sensoriais." ― Nikola Tesla