330MegaShock,o canal mais miraculoso do Rumble!


Jogos de luta e outros estilos miraculosamente jogados ou não. Com um papo bacana como se fosse um bom fliperama ou uma locadora que você guarda no seu coração. Eu e Macelo Bajos (As vezes só eu mesmo) jogamos e papeamos sobre os jogos e recordações. Também estamos na Twitch com mais PRAZER para vocês. (mas só as vezes) 33omegashock Trabalho duro compensa, sonhos se realizam ,os momentos ruins não duram, mas os jogos ruins sim!

Illuminate Mother Of Darkness - Delivered From Satanism


Jessie Czebotar This collection of videos consist of interviews done with Jessie Czebotar, including her personally produced videos regarding her involment and delivery from satanism. She was previously designated and groomed by the Illuminate (deep state cabal) as a Mother Of Darkness, and miraculously delivered by Jesus Christ from satanism at the age of three. Because her family was involved in very high positions in the Illuminate, Jessie was chosen at a young age to take a very high position within the cabal, but the Lord had other plans for her. Her salvation in God became a catalyst for His plans to bring the cabal to its end. Her vision to help others escape their nefarious slavery is not only inspiring, but fascinating. Be prepared to deal with cognitive dissonance in order to truly receive these truths. Jessie is a Chaplain who has worked with US veterans in hospitals, hospices, and in the community setting for more than ten years. Through her ministry, "Illuminate The Darkness," her mission is to create awareness regarding the issues of satanic ritual abuse (SRA) and human trafficking. She speaks weekly on several platforms, including The Reveal Report, Aquarius Rising South Africa, and David Zublick. You can also find much of her work on Right On Radio, as well as on her websites IlluminateTheDarkness.com and KingdomLivingWithJessie.com. Jessie has authored three books: His Kingdom Comes In Power, The Anointing Overflows, and 5 Minutes Of Grief With God. All of her books are available on Amazon. Her course entitled "Dominion And Authority" is available on RightOnU.com. Her eyewitness testimonies of SRA can be found on the website of Timothy Charles Holmseth: timothycharleesholmseth.com. Jessie brings a depth of knowledge on how to fight the darkness for God's glory in a way very few people can. Through her loving, humble and unwavering offer of truth, she continues to impact countless lives, both in the US and around the world. May God's truth break free all of the captives from satan's chains.

FantasMinas Investigação Sobrenatural


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