Mike Licona


FOR THINKERS & DOUBTERS: Bridging the gap between scholar and layperson, providing authentic answers to the most important questions about Jesus. Do you ever struggle with doubt? My desire to discover truth and follow it has taken me on a journey during which I’ve earned a PhD in New Testament Studies, publicly debated some of the world’s leading critics of Christianity, and written some of the foremost scholarly treatments on the resurrection of Jesus and Gospel differences. I’m committed to discovering and following what I believe to be true. I still have many questions. But I’m confident that some of my conclusions can benefit you on YOUR journey. So, hit the subscribe button and turn the notifications on so you won’t miss any content.

And That's the Truth With Mike Green


Mike and Michele Green have been in Christian counseling ministry since 1984. Their "ministry years" began at the conclusion of a 20 year study of mysticism and esoteric philosophy. Their 20 year quest to find a method that would introduce them to a personal relationship with God did not fulfill their desire. Finally they received the revelation of the truth. Jesus Christ said, "I Am the way the truth and the life and no one comes to the Father except through me." By their choice they announced their willingness to surrender to this truth. The amazing result was that they were introduced to The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit. Since that day Mike and Michele have endeavored to study the Bible and adopt a lifestyle that is consistent with the lifestyles of disciples of Christ throughout history. And this they have done for more than 25 years. They are quick to tell anyone who asks, "Jesus Christ is alive and well and He loves you more than you can imagine."



Security did not alert me you were coming! Well, since you are here, allow me to introduce myself: Relja of House Novović, the First of His Name, King of the Plains, the Breaker of Chains. Now, since we are friends, you get to call me "Oh, The not-so-Bright One." I fix computers and bikes - and make videos & articles about it. More info about yours truly: https://www.bikegremlin.com/about/ A list of all the BikeGremlin videos, sorted by topics (categories): https://www.bikegremlin.com/youtube/ The official Rumble channel of the Bike Gremlin website: https://www.bikegremlin.com Buy me a beer: :) https://www.patreon.com/bikegremlin