Jinju Paints


Welcome! My name is Jinju, and I'm making my first steps into a hobby I longed for quite some time now: resin figure painting. Later, I'd like to try printing 3D models too. I'm not in a position to have this as a full-time occupation, nor have I the finances to support this quite expensive hobby, nevertheless, I hope you'll stick around for occasional videos and learn together with me! If you're more experienced in figure painting, please take your time to comment suggestions how I can improve my skills! Thank you!

Hello everyone! Welcome to our channel! Here, you can find the most incredible gadgets and inventions, tips and hacks for your projects, super satisfying machines, and workers who make their job no perfectly you won't believe they are real. Be ready to ha


Hello everyone! Welcome to our channel! Here, you can find the most incredible gadgets and inventions, tips and hacks for your projects, super satisfying machines, and workers who make their job no perfectly you won't believe they are real. Be ready to have your mind blown. If any of this is your thing, subscribe to keep up with us,

TekMaker - what will you make today?


TekMaker is a channel designed to help people of all ages and abilities to learn about and build projects for Computers and Electronics. I worked in Electronics for 25+ years including design work and been involved in computer servicing, networking and programming for over 20 years. I hope to produce videos that are simple enough for any age or ability. Rather than just making projects to use once and then put on the shelf I will endeavour to make projects that will connect or work together and for useful things if you want to set up an electronics or single board computer lab at home. Now I have passed all three Amateur Radio Exams in three months I have started to add amateur radio content and the response has been great so far with a lot more projects to come! I have been M7RBE, 2E0HGA and now M0RLF. What will you make today?

Work Less - Make More - Live Free! With no limitations, what does your perfect day look like?


What if it’s possible to live like that every day? Would you wake up after 9 a.m? Have perfect health? Maybe fire your boss? Have the money and time freedom to do what you love most? The world is your oyster. Where would you be? Who would you be with? The possibilities are endless! Weather you believe it’s possible for you or not, you CAN make more, work less and live free! Welcome to Freedom Hack Radio, where Entrepreneur, Bestselling Author, World Traveler and Adventurer, Bryce Robertson and special guests crack the code on: money, health, relationships, spirituality and having fun doing what you love most. Be inspired to create your own self-designed freedom lifest

Make Money Online , Freelancing


Hello! Well come to our Rumble Channal Nooti4u. We Will Teach You How You Can Earn Online Money, With Different Methods For Example How You Can Earn Money From Facebook, How You Can Earn Money From Youtube And How You Can Earn Money From Different websites or How You Can Earn Money From Using Mobile Phone , How You Can Earn Money From Using Mobile Application And Much More Platfrom....So If You can Earn Money So Join Our Rumble Channal Click The Bell Icon Never Miss the Notification About New Update Video......Thanks