

Welcome to the story of ActsSocial, a platform with a purpose. What led to the creation of ActsSocial, and why does it exist? While pride is certainly NOT a Christian virtue, we will readily admit that we feel a little pride in our creation, the ActsSocial platform. We are honored to bring it to the market after being inspired by a powerful God-given vision. We believe that your experience with our platform will be deeply rewarding. Unlike platforms filled with ad tracking pixels and complex algorithms, we offer a clean, Christ-centered environment with transparent information display. We've invested years in developing this product for you, but we readily acknowledge that it's not flawless. Your trust means the world to us, and we genuinely value any feedback you can offer as you explore the ActsSocial platform.

Social Distillation


Social distillation is the metaphor for process driven truth seeking. We're taking the messy wash and adding a little heat to pull out the truth. Obviously it's an organic process so therefore not perfect. Imperfections provide flavor though. So our goal is to remove the methanol (poisonous untruth), and then find the right flavor to purity ratio for the situation. News should have a different purity standard than say comedy. We also want to bring back the discourse. People sitting around the fire with a spirit and sense of humor to discuss the ins and outs of society without todays norm of hatred and tribalism.