Càirn Globél's Rock Pile


We at Càirn Globél are working to provide a unique experience bringing individuals together. We understand there are several "sites" to visit. However, they all have one thing in common. So, what do storytellers, seminary, law, counseling, insurance, business, family, and friends have in common? A Rock Pile. "His heart is our mission." Please join us as we await His time to present the 'KERN. Until then, our Creatives and our Creative Director desires to show the heart of His team here at Càirn Globél.

Videos von Robert Henderson


Robert Henderson hat ein Mandat und eine Botschaft für unsere Zeit! Sein Anliegen ist es, Gemeinden und Gläubige wach zu rütteln, so dass sie sich ihrer Berufung bewusst werden. Sie sollen nicht nur Träger (Botschafter) des Evangeliums der Errettung sein, sondern auch des Evangeliums über das Reich Gottes in der gegenwärtigen Zeit; und dies in der Kraft Gottes. Seine Botschaften sind stark unter der Salbung des Heiligen Geistes. Robert vermittelt ein Verständnis und eine Offenbarung, dass Gemeinden und Gläubige mit Christus an himmlischen Orten sitzen, aber auch dass sie aus dieser Dimension im Alltag leben und regieren. Seine Botschaften sind positiv, glaubensstärkend, siegreich und ausgewogen für die Endzeit.

Mark Rober 5000


Former NASA and Apple engineer. Current YouTuber and friend of science. Answers to some common questions: 1) I studied Mechanical Engineering in School. I did my undergrad at BYU and Masters at USC. 2) I worked for NASA JPL for 9 years, 7 of which were working on the Curiosity Rover (I made a video about it you should def totes watch cause it's probably my favorite of all my videos). Then I created Digital Dudz (made some videos about this too) and eventually sold it after 2 years. Then I worked for Apple in their Special Projects Group doing Product Design as a Mechanical Engineer for 5 years. As of 2019, I just make my monthly YouTube videos. 3) Link to free and therefore substandard build plans for my custom workbench can be found below. 4) I make a monthly toy we build together on a video, that gets delivered to your house that teaches you to think like an engineer.