Reading the Bible and Singing Praise Songs Verified


Please consider joining us as we dedicate time to read aloud God's Holy Word and sing hymns and spiritual songs together. Each week we read selections from the Psalms, Old and New Testaments. We are a husband and wife home ministry desiring to Glorify the One True Living God. We believe the Holy Scriptures are God's Word and are sufficient for teaching us about His nature and our nature and His covenants with His people Israel and how we fit into His Covenants. We hope you consider joining us. In Christ, Todd and Kathy Moorman



I am a spiritual coach and tarot card reader. I believe in a positive mindset and outlook on life. Wellness starts with the thought, the thought manifests into action, whether positive or negative. Thoughts affect our bodies and heath. Every cell reacts to our thought patterns. The key is to control our thought patterns in order to manifest a positive life. Humans have been programmed at an early age and when adulthood is reached there may be certain behavioral patterns that must be overcome. These behavioral patterns can develop into blocks. These blocks can keep us from being truly happy. Life coaching is a tool that helps the client to come up with solutions by asking powerful questions. My goal is to guide the client through coaching and my intuition by assisting them to find their own path; by doing so this gives them the opportunity to live more of a happier life. I have a degree in Dietetics, I worked in clinical Nutrition for 12 years.

Bible Reading Fellowship


Sharing the good news of salvation across 135 cities in 99 countries and growing, we purpose to obey the command of יהושע, YAHSHUA HAMASHIACH, as written in Matthew 28:19-20: "Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Ruach HaKodesh: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen." With each subscription and like, you are partnering with us together to bring the good news of salvation and sharing your joy with our fellow brothers and sisters around the world as יהשוה commanded us. May יהוה‎ (YAHAYAH) bless you, and keep you. May יהוה‎ make his face shine upon you, and be gracious unto you. May יהוה‎ lift up his countenance upon you, and give you peace.