Jordan Outside


I scout out and share the BEST beaches, snorkeling, waterfalls, mountains, slot canyons, excursions, and hotels/resorts/villas so YOU can EXPLORE with confidence! I’ve already done the research and filmed each travel adventure for you. I film each destination in geographical order so you can decide which places you want to include on your trip. I have created a blog post with a video, text, pricing, and checklist for each destination to make sure you're prepared. Check out the full adventure at

Jordan Peterson


The Jordan Peterson speeches channel on Rumble serves as a comprehensive resource for individuals interested in the works and ideas of Dr. Jordan Peterson, a renowned Canadian psychologist and professor. Known for his thought-provoking lectures and insightful analysis, Peterson's speeches cover a wide array of subjects, including psychology, philosophy, politics, and personal development. This Rumble channel diligently curates and uploads speeches given by Jordan Peterson at conferences, public events, and universities. The speeches showcase his ability to engage audiences with his articulate and intellectually stimulating presentations. Each video on the channel is categorized by topic, making it easier for viewers to navigate and explore the content that aligns with their specific interests. The channel's administrators prioritize quality and accuracy, ensuring that the uploaded speeches maintain their original integrity and provide an accurate representation of Dr. Peterson's ideas. They also strive to upload speeches that cover a diverse range of subjects, enabling viewers to delve into various aspects of Peterson's extensive body of work. In addition to uploading speeches, the channel may feature curated playlists that organize speeches based on specific themes or series of lectures. This arrangement enables viewers to delve deeper into a particular topic or follow a specific progression of ideas. The Jordan Peterson speeches channel on Rumble fosters an engaged community of individuals who are passionate about exploring Peterson's philosophy and teachings. Users can interact through comments, sparking discussions, and sharing their perspectives on the ideas presented in the speeches. Overall, this Rumble channel serves as a valuable platform for those who wish to access and engage with the intellectual content produced by Dr. Jordan Peterson. It contributes to the dissemination of knowledge, fostering a space where individuals can learn, reflect, and engage in meaningful discussions surrounding Peterson's speeches.

Joana POD


De autoria da analista política, escritora e Psicóloga Clínica Joana Amaral Dias, Joana POD, é um espaço totalmente inédito em Portugal, disruptivo, que leva a política para a rua e dá voz ao cidadão sem filtros, rompendo com os discursos políticos vazios que hoje embaciam o nosso quotidiano. Joana POD coloca o dedo na ferida, vai directo ao assunto, denunciando corrupção, injustiça, mentira, ataques aos direitos de todos. Joana POD é um podcast com três formatos (análise com liberdade de expressão da actualidade, intervenção na rua e entrevistas a personalidades inesperadas), com uma periodicidade quinzenal. Sempre temas de ruptura e de grande relevância para todos nós. Um podcast a que ninguém fica indiferente. Com a chancela de uma das vozes mais ativas da sociedade Portuguesa! Authored by political analyst, writer and clinical psychologist Joana Amaral Dias, Joana POD is a totally new space in Portugal, disruptive, that takes politics to the street and gives voice to the citizen without filters, breaking with the empty political discourses that today blur our daily lives. Joana POD hits the nail on the head and gets straight to the point, denouncing corruption, injustice, lies and attacks on everyone's rights. Joana POD is a podcast with three formats (free expression analysis of current affairs, intervention in the street and interviews with unexpected personalities). Always with breaking topics and of great relevance for all of us. A podcast that no one can remain indifferent to. With the seal of one of the most active voices in Portuguese society!