Whiggaz with attitudes Lord Clifford P. Focus & Ye Olde Uncle Dusty Esquire are some dirty good for nothing lazy, no job having Original WHiggaz broadcasting with stolen mics whilst sitting on 22'z Wednesday's live at 9:30PM , join them or get your nooodl


Welcome to Thee Original Whiggaz Rumble ya tardedgayz , Live Wednesday's at 9:30pm EST . Find us on Rumble YT Twitter Instagram Facebook Reddit being dumb lazy good for nothing WHiggaz comedic improvish of the top entertainment w/ Clifford Focus & ye olde Uncle Dust. You go now to Bonfire.com/OriginalWhiggazWearz for merch , you buy now or you get out of our store .

Get Off My Lawn!


"This is the true story of a Gen X-er picked to do a podcast and give his personal views on Pop Culture, Politics, Sports, News and more, So find out what happens when people stop being polite and start getting real. - ‘Get Of My Lawn’ As we grow into an ever changing world and new Generations are born, only one stays the same with their distain for all others - ‘Gen X’. We survived riding bikes without helmets, No cell phones, understanding you go home when the street lights go on. We lived through Hair Metal and watched the birth of Grunge. We witnessed ‘Two’ Bush’s become President (That’s what she said.) and the First African American take office. We watched in horror as the Towers fell and rejoiced at the Socialize Digital Age. (‘The Internet’ - Sorry Al you didn’t invent it.)But all in all, We lived our lives with the understanding that playing it safe is not the way to go through your existence. As the world is facing more turmoil than we have every seen before and as we witness a clear division of our Society a voice of ‘reason’ and ‘sanity’ needs to be heard. To bad that ain’t me … Hear me ramble daily about everything from Pop Culture, Politics, Sports, News and more and get the clear as ‘Mud’ perspective of this Rambling Gen X-er. Enjoy!

Messages To Benevolent Extraterrestrial Races


I am a starseed on Earth fully ready for extraterrestrial contact. I am asking to be used as a tool by the positive extraterrestrial races (or by any ET being who wants the highest good of humanity) for the dissemination of information with the following objectives: 1. For the consciousness expansion of this civilization. 2. For healing and guiding the people. 3. To prepare them for future mass contact. 4. For the overall betterment of humankind. I only have the highest intention for humanity. This is the only reason why I came to this planet. I am waiting for you to contact me. In Love and Gratitude, You Know Who I Am 🔥 Alternative/Backup Channels 🔥 ➜ Odysee: https://odysee.com/@MessagesToExtraterrestrials:7 ➜ Bitchute: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/sgzXjqTqCvOK/ ➜ Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/c-1149511 ➜ Brighteon: https://www.brighteon.com/channels/messagestobenevolentetraces



Again where were my passports both Canadian and UK between 2017 when stolen you you retrieving the passport March 2023 after i had been tortured 1800 times. Sometime over 300 hundred times a day. If i include the zersetzuing attacks the attacks would be over 10000 during 2017 to 2023. Where was my Canadian passport during this time. i have been injected with poison, animal hormone, pheromones, something that changed my eye color, internal bleeding, axe attacks. From: DDORFCS@international.gc.ca <DDORFCS@international.gc.ca> Date: On Wednesday, August 23rd, 2023 at 11:44 AM Subject: RE: ATTEMPTED MURDER To: Dear Mr. Fraser, We cannot answer your questions. Please find an overview of consular services offered to Canadian citizens abroad on the following website: https://travel.gc.ca/assistance/emergency-info/consular/canadian-consular-services-charter#assisting. If you think that we can offer you one of the services listed on the website (for example sending you a list of local doctors and hospitals), please let us know. If you give us a mailing address in Germany we can send your expired Canadian passport to you. As mentioned before, you can also come to pick it up at our office during our opening hours (Mon-Fri, 09:00-12:00). Best regards, Consulate of Canada | Consulat du Canada | Konsulat von Kanada Benrather Str. 8, 40213 Düsseldorf Germany | Allemagne | Deutschland Telephone/Téléphone: +49-211-172170 Facsimile/Télécopieur: +49-211-1721771 Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development Canada | Affaires étrangères, Commerce et Développement Canada Government of Canada | Gouvernement du Canada

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Hi, everyone! I'm Sarah and this is BudgetSew! I like to get the maximum function out of my wardrobe -- fashion-wise and budget-wise! I shop sales at fabric stores, dive into the clearance bins and scour thrift shops for all kinds of treasures including fabric, fashion, clothing and accessories. I like classic lines and tasteful style. I like to get sewing patterns on sale both online and in store or from books and magazines like BurdaStyle and My Image or vintage patterns from thrift shops. I love getting the biggest bang for my buck! My aim is to project a stylish fashionable look as inexpensively as possible. Here's how I do it.