Lea Baruffato Music


Hi! I'm Lea and I'm a Singer/Songwriter and guitarist into acoustic Pop/Rock, Soft Rock. I currently live in London, UK, but I'm half Argentinian, half Italian. I left my home country, family and friends, to pursue my dreamed music career and that is how I ended up in London where I had the chance of playing, writing and recording with so many talented musicians and songwriters. People always say I have a husky voice and passionate guitar playing. I try to combine rock, pop, and some Latin blends to create a unique and original style. I write songs about my life experiences, songs that everyone can enjoy and reflect upon, aiming to inspire all through my music. I've sung and played the guitar at festivals, music venues, and streets nationwide and Internationally for a number of years now and I'm planning to keep doing that for many many years... Music is my passion!! I'm pretty proud to say I'm one of the artists of "Busk in London" (a program supported by the Major of London) and the Southbank Centre of London being one the few selected performers that play by The London Eye, as well in the different train stations all around London. I would like to add that I'm a self-releasing artist, so all the music you are listening to here has been written, recorded and released by myself without the support of any record label but by some people that really believed in these songs and helped me. So, if you got up to here, I just wanna say thank you for reading and listening!

Wandering Buffalos


Is travel and adventure an interest? Ever wanted to learn how to find gold, gems, and even treasure? How about just wanting to explore different places and learn things along the way? The Wandering Buffalos travels the country and beyond in search of new adventures. One of our passions is searching for all things valuable where we will show you how to prospect and mine for gold and precious gems. We use several different methods, equipment, and tools along the way. What is even better? We show you how to make it affordable so you can start making money! And lets not forget about the history and fun facts about the places we wander to. Join us in our adventures and all of our experiences along the way where we all can learn together and enjoy the great outdoors!