

Das Dachthekenduett ist eine Video-Kolumne von freiheitsfunken.info Die Freiheitsfunken verstehen sich als Plattform für argumentative Gegenwehr gegen die Übergriffigkeit des Politischen und zur Verteidigung von Werten. freiheitsfunken.info Freiheitsfunken AG Baarerstrasse 82 CH-6302 Zug E-Mail: info@freiheitsfunken.info Eingetragen im Handelsregister des Kantons Zug: CHE-227.786.647 Namentlich gekennzeichnete Beiträge werden von den Autoren selbst verantwortet und geben nicht in jedem Fall die Meinung des Herausgebers wieder. Chefredakteur: André F. Lichtschlag E-Mail: lichtschlag@freiheitsfunken.info Inhaltlich Verantwortlicher i.S.d. § 18 Abs. 2 MStV: André F. Lichtschlag (Anschrift siehe oben) Zum vollständigen Impressum: https://freiheitsfunken.info/impressum/

Supporting Parents of Children and Adolescents Experiencing Gender Ideation


Welcome to Our Duty Canada- Supporting Parents of Children and Adolescents Experiencing Gender Ideation. We believe that no child can consent to off-label chemical hormones and permanent surgical procedures. It is our duty to inform and support parents, to work toward increasing public knowledge and to pressure our socio-medical-political system into conducting itself from an evidence-based perspective. We know that children are being harmed by so-called “gender affirming care” every day in Canada with their once trusted medical and mental health bodies, schools, media and their government acting as catalysts for their desire and ease in accessing these experimental treatments. We are proud to represent Our Duty as we build this Canadian Chapter.

END RACE BASED LAW Petition Canada


Main Rumble Channel: END RACE BASED LAW Canada https://rumble.com/ENDRACEBASEDLAWCanada Join Us In The Future Of A Unified Canada - ONE NATION, ONE LAW Where To Find Us Rumble - Bitchute - Truth Social - Wordpress Daily News Stories https://endracebasedlaw.ca Feature Stories https://endracebasedlaw.com ******************** On Truth Social: @ENDRACEBASEDLAWCanada https://truthsocial.com/@ENDRACEBASEDLAWCanada @ENDRACEBASEDLAW https://truthsocial.com/@ENDRACEBASEDLAW @ENDRACEBASEDLAWPetition https://truthsocial.com/@ENDRACEBASEDLAWPETITION @Gerry4Canada https://truthsocial.com/@Gerry4Canada @Michele4Canada https://truthsocial.com/@Michele4Canada ********************* On Rumble: END RACE BASED LAW Canada https://rumble.com/ENDRACEBASEDLAWCanada END RACE BASED LAW https://rumble.com/ENDRACEBASEDLAW END RACE BASED LAW Petition https://rumble.com/ENDRACEBASEDLAWPetitionCanada Michele Tittler END RACE BASED LAW https://rumble.com/ENDRACEBASEDLAWMicheleTittler https://rumble.com/MicheleTittlerENDRACEBASEDLAW ******************** On Bitchute: END RACE BASED LAW Canada https://www.bitchute.com/endracebasedlawcanada/ END RACE BASED LAW https://www.bitchute.com/endracebasedlaw/ END RACE BASED LAW Petition Canada https://www.bitchute.com/endracebasedlawPetitionCanada Michele Tittler END RACE BASED LAW https://www.bitchute.com/micheletittlerendracebasedlaw/ ************************* On Wordpress: VIDEOS on ERBL http://endracebasedlaw.com/category/video-by-erbl/ https://endracebasedlaw.ca https://endracebasedlaw.ca https://endracebasedlaw.com/2024/05/24/where-to-find-us/ https://constitutioncanada.wordpress.com (Rewriting The Canadian Constitution) ****************** On Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ENDRACEBASEDLAW/ https://www.facebook.com/ENDRACEBASEDLAWPetitionCanada/ *********************** On Twitter: @ERBLincCanada https://x.com/ERBLincCanada @PetitionERBL https://x.com/PetitionERBL @Gerry4Canada https://x.com/Gerry4Canada @Michele4Canada4 https://x.com/Michele4Canada4 @Unity4Canada4 https://x.com/Unity4Canada4

American Education Defenders - Life Lessons Quotes SHORTS


Here are short life lessons quotes from America’s past you can use at any time! How 'bout today?! Website: https://www.americaneducationdefenders.com Contact: paul@americaneducationdefenders.com CATCH US ON SOCIAL MEDIA: Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/kidsfutures Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kidsfutures TruthSocial: https://truthsocial.com/@kidsfuture LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com TruthSocial: https://truthsocial.com/@kidsfuture YouTube: @kidsfutures123 Amazon Profile: https://amzn.to/43c8RUh

The World's End with Sam Ikin


Welcome to The World's End, hosted by the unapologetic so-called journalist Sam Ikin. We bring you news and political commentary delving into the depths of worldwide tyranny and authoritarianism that the legacy media refuses to acknowledge. This show is dedicated to those disillusioned with politics and craving a more authentic and comprehensive understanding of the world. It's time for a government that fights exclusively for its people. Sam Ikin is a passionate advocate for change and is committed to providing you with the untold narratives and exposing the hidden agendas that shape our political landscape that you will not see if you get all your information from the corporate news media. We aim to empower our viewers to question the status quo and demand better from those in power. Subscribe to The World's End today. It's time to break free from the limitations of mainstream news and dive into the unvarnished truth.

Videos von Robert Henderson


Robert Henderson hat ein Mandat und eine Botschaft für unsere Zeit! Sein Anliegen ist es, Gemeinden und Gläubige wach zu rütteln, so dass sie sich ihrer Berufung bewusst werden. Sie sollen nicht nur Träger (Botschafter) des Evangeliums der Errettung sein, sondern auch des Evangeliums über das Reich Gottes in der gegenwärtigen Zeit; und dies in der Kraft Gottes. Seine Botschaften sind stark unter der Salbung des Heiligen Geistes. Robert vermittelt ein Verständnis und eine Offenbarung, dass Gemeinden und Gläubige mit Christus an himmlischen Orten sitzen, aber auch dass sie aus dieser Dimension im Alltag leben und regieren. Seine Botschaften sind positiv, glaubensstärkend, siegreich und ausgewogen für die Endzeit.

American Education Defenders - Storytelling Online


Each Wednesday at 4 pm, subscribers will be able to view a new video from the series, AMERICA'S 52 STORIES. It's classic storytelling online. This is how the past becomes relevant, meaningful, and personal for you. Use the information immediately! It's an ideal moment for parents and children to be together and maybe - just maybe - discover something new about each other. You'll want to take full advantage of what has proven to be a bonding moment between parent and child. Website: https://www.americaneducationdefenders.com Contact: paul@americaneducationdefenders.com CATCH US ON SOCIAL MEDIA: Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/kidsfutures Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kidsfutures TruthSocial: https://truthsocial.com/@kidsfuture LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com TruthSocial: https://truthsocial.com/@kidsfuture YouTube: @kidsfutures123 Amazon Profile: https://amzn.to/43c8RUh