Low Down Dirty Rumble

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Join Kiki and myself Monday's on Broke-Ass when we talk about current news and events that we think will effect us and things that we just find funny. Then later, you can find my solo show that I release in the late nights. I find a topic and share my intimate thoughts on it, revealing secrets of my past and inner most passions. The funny thing is with this one, you don't even have to listen ... it's just Raw Background Noise. And finally, ScoobZ is back, and this time he brought a friend. Join us once a week for ScoobZ's Conspiracy Corner. Tighten your tin foil hat, folks. These guys are diggin' deep. Join ScoobZ and the crazy SCC crew as they uncover all the low down dirty details the people in charge don't want you to know.

Dirty Water Outdoors


Welcome to Dirty Water Outdoors! My name is Bailey, and I am an angler based south of Boston, MA. I primarily fish for Striped Bass in and around Boston Harbor, but will also be uploading videos fishing in Southwest Florida for Shark, Snook, Redfish and Grouper. I will be sharing with you all my adventures out on my 19 foot Mako Center Console, recording myself catching fish, giving instructions on filleting, tying knots and rigging bait, and then cooking up whatever I catch! If you like my videos feel free to subscribe, and if you have any questions or are interested in going out for a day with me drop a comment! Tight lines, Bailey