DQ Designs


Come let's talk Everything from Graphic Design (Adobe's – Photoshop, Illustrator, Premiere, & Blender) Tips and Tricks, Anime (Reviews, Stories, Theories) and Gaming (Gaming News, Tips, Gameplays and Walkthroughs etc.) in Tamil தமிழில் Graphic Design கற்க; Anime கதைகள், reviews பேச; Gaming செய்திகள் அனைத்தும் இச்சேனலில் கதைப்போம் வாங்க. #Tamil #Anime #gaming #GraphicDesign #Photoshop #Illustrator #Premiere #Blender #animereaction #animes #onepiece #naruto #swordartonline #games #gameplay #minecraft #game #tutorial #srilanka #lka

The Next Level Design


The Next Level Design | PROFESSIONAL ADVERTISING AGENCY | GRAPHIC DESIGN | WEB DESIGN | MOTION GRAPHICS | VIDEO EDITING | MARKETING | ADVERTISING | Creative Director | Art Director + Awards: IMCA Best of Show Winner | Certificate of Excellence Winner - The Art Institute | Advertising Award Winner - ReaderShipPlus / Research USA, INC. | Mariani Design Winner - UNC. + Bachelor of Arts Degree in Graphic Design from The Art Institute. + The Art Institutes - America's Leader in Creative Education Design+Art+Style LiQuid Grafixs + The Next Level Design | Visit The Next Level Design on Deviant Art Website: https://www.deviantart.com/thenextleveldesign Cinema TV Statistics: Over 260,000+ Total Views raw views: 25,484 unique views: 9,630 raw views: 35,635 unique views: 13,390 raw views 31,062 unique views: 11,743 raw views: 20,947 unique views: 8,303 raw views: 46,985 unique views: 18,605 raw views: 42,394 unique views: 16,979 raw views: 18,902 unique views: 7,644 raw views: 31,926 unique views: 13,853 Designs Include: Trade Show Graphic Design for Trade Show Events at Del Mar Horse Race Track in San Diego, Ca | Trade Show Graphics Design for Trade Shows in Las Vegas, NV + National and Local Magazine and Newspaper Advertising Graphic Design + Original Music and Video Editing for 8.5 Million View "Shark Cage Attack" Video on You Tube. + Experience Cinema TV. Created and Designed by The Next Level Design https://rumble.com/c/TheCinemaTVNetwork + Cinema TV has over 10,000 to 15,000 Unique Viewers Per Month + Cinema TV is High Performance Entertainment Video Designed for Streaming Platforms, Movie Theatres, Imax, Concerts, Video Platforms, Public Events, Hotels, Bars, Clubs, Restaurants, and other applications where large masses of people are present or want to attract and retain more customers to Your Platform or Venue. Available LIVE 24/7 Variety Entertainment Channel + Cinema TV is Designed for the Home Theatre and Mobile Theatre, Living Room, Large Screen TV's HD, 4K, at Home Enjoyment TV + Add Cinema TV to Your Channel Lineup on Streaming TV, Cable TV, Hotel TV, Video Website - Add High Value Variety Entertainment Content to Your Service, Business or Event. Attract and Retain more customers + Advertiser Friendly - A Variety of Different Topics where a Brand can align with the Audience Watching + High Expectations - Cinema TV is Designed to be played in places where the Audience has High Expectations Like Movie Theatres, Imax, Festivals, Concerts - High Quality Entertainment + Play Cinema TV on Main Video Screen and Main Sound Stage + Play Cinema TV as Secondary at your event on side monitors and TV's to enhance your public event + Permanently show Cinema TV in your movie theatre to have 1. Familiar Entertainment Content 2. Attract and Retain More Customers + Play Cinema TV for Customers waiting in lines, waiting to be seated, airports or other places with waiting customers - keep customers entertained - Video Design and Concept Special Event Graphic Design and Concepts + Brand Reputation Consulting + Visit The Next Level Design Website: https://weblinkworld.wixsite.com/thenextleveldesign

Sothpaw Designs


Every master was once a beginner! I make woodworking content because I believe that the consistent pursuit of improvement and perfection is its own reward. Sothpaw Designs exists to help you grow your woodworking skills, to be creative in your designs, and to learn to grow your business no matter what your level! This channel specializes in woodworking, CNC for beginners, as well as tools and techniques to become a better woodworker and business owner! I'm a high school teacher, teaching Computer Science and Media Arts in central Kentucky, and woodworking is one of my passions. I value your input, suggestions, corrections, and support in this venture.

Wellcome to AtrColoureFinger! We've designed our videos to improve childern's creativity with animated artistic easy to drawings


Wellcome to AtrColoureFinger! We've designed our videos to improve childern's creativity with animated artistic easy to drawings. Our videos help kids and toddlers to learn how to draw animals,basic shapes and good habit pictures in magical away! Atr Coloure Finger channel is completely safe for kids,we believe that art will save the world .. Art is important☺☺



I'm Adrian from Australia, a designer and developer who makes websites and apps using platforms like React Native. I'm hoping to share some of the things I've learnt over the years about my career and hobbies for coding, user interface and experience! Some of the things we will cover will include: - Development for React, React Native, Javascript, HTML, CSS, etc - Small changes to improve UI & UX, like the use of colour, positioning and size - Large changes like websites or apps, like entire re-designs - Techniques on creating style-guides - Reviews of existing businesses online presence and tips on improving them #coding #programming #ui #ux #webdevelopment #development #react #reactnative #design #userexperience #userinterface

Upgrade Your Wardrobe with Our Customized T-Shirt Designs!


At PrintParty, we believe that fashion should be fun, creative, and expressive. That's why we specialize in creating customized t-shirts that help you stand out from the crowd. Whether you're looking for a unique graphic design or a personalized message that reflects your personality, we've got you covered. Our t-shirts are made from high-quality materials that are soft, comfortable, and durable, so you can enjoy wearing them time and time again. With a wide range of colors, sizes, and styles to choose from, we have something for everyone. Upgrade your wardrobe today and join the party with PrintParty!