Manuela Micucci - Studio di Naturopatia


Sono una Naturopata, laureata nel 2013 alla scuola di Alta Formazione in Naturopatia "Rudy Lanza" di Bologna e iscritta all\'AIN - Associazione Italiana Naturopati. \n\nMi occupo di prevenzione attiva e pedagogia dell\'auto-guarigione. \n\nLa salute non è soltanto assenza di malattia ma molto di più! \n\nSiamo un insieme unico ed irripetibile di CORPO-MENTE-SPIRITO, pertanto, una sofferenza che si manifesta in uno di questi sistemi, in realtà li coinvolge tutti. E sono convinta del fatto che a qualunque livello si decida di agire, sia esso il corpo, la mente o lo spirito, si andrà a lavorare nell\'insieme. \n\nIl mio compito è quello di educare l\'individuo verso uno stile di vita più corretto possibile. \n\nPer raggiungere questi obiettivi, mi avvalgo di diversi metodi, del tutto naturali: dal riequilibrio alimentare, all\'utilizzo sia di rimedi floreali (fiori di Bach e Australiani) sia di integratori nutrizionali e fitoterapici, della riflessologia plantare e di alcuni massaggi olistici.

Exploring the Fascinating World of Animals"


Animal Kingdom: A Realm of Diversity and Wonder Enter the enchanting world of animals, where diversity thrives and wonder awaits at every turn. From the majestic lions prowling the savannah to the tiny ants marching in perfect unison, the animal kingdom is a tapestry woven with countless unique species, each playing its part in the intricate web of life. Journey through the dense jungles teeming with vibrant birdlife and elusive big cats, where every rustle and chirp tells a story of survival and adaptation. Witness the grace of dolphins as they glide effortlessly through the ocean depths, their playful antics a testament to the intelligence and complexity of marine life. Marvel at the resilience of desert dwellers like the camel, perfectly adapted to thrive in harsh, arid landscapes where water is scarce and temperatures soar. Or delve into the depths of the rainforest, where exotic creatures like the iridescent tree frogs and stealthy jaguars reign supreme. But beyond the awe-inspiring spectacle of nature's beauty lies a deeper understanding of the interconnectedness of all living beings. Each creature, no matter how small or seemingly insignificant, plays a crucial role in maintaining the delicate balance of ecosystems worldwide. As stewards of this planet, it is our responsibility to cherish and protect the rich tapestry of life that surrounds us. Through conservation efforts and a deeper appreciation for the wonders of the animal kingdom, we can ensure that future generations inherit a world brimming with diversity and wonderful...

Christ Conscious Being


Welcome to the Conscious Being! Spiritual Research & Educational Power Institute. Bringing to you the conscious being and understanding of the KINGDOM, NATURE, PERSON, POWER AND AUTHORITY of Jesus Christ in ancient and eternal sounds, instrumental harmony, words, teaching, instructions prophecies, displays and grandeur. Grace to the Churches of God and Mercy to the people and nations which are around the world, which has obtained and those who greatly desire mercy in faith, and patience, and love unfeigned: Mercy and peace from God the Father who is the Lord Jesus Christ, "who is the Saviour of all men, specially of them that believe". How blessed and wonderful, beloved, are the gifts of God! - Life in immortality, - Splendour in righteousness, - Truth in perfect confidence, - Faith in assurance, - Self-control in holiness! And all these fall under the cognizance of our understandings