

Our channel helps Christians live a Christ focused life in a world and country that hates Him. We lay religion aside and instead, focus our attention of Jesus. We will look to keep the content current, focusing on news of the day, how to make sense of the madness in the world, maybe sermons that we are listening to and pass them along to you. It even be a book or article that we have read that we believe is worth mentioning. Any and everything we can think of to help you live a life that is pleasing to God. My wife and I have been married for 16 years, have four children and full time jobs. We aren't Pastors or theologians, just real people wanting to connect with fellow believers and build a community. We want more then "health and wealth" gospels or "your best life now" mantra's, we want Jesus! If this sounds like you, please subscribe to the channel and drop us a comment, we would love to hear from you! We will be uploading new content weekly.

Food for the Faithful


In an age of delusion I aim to provide believers with the tools needed to counter the enemy's lies. Postmodernism, Critical Race Theory, Diversity, Inclusiveness, Equity, WOKE, Net-Zero are all variations on a theme. Namely the belief that life is a zero-sum game, a Malthusian nightmare where resources are so finite that the state must redistribute them. These ideas are a distillation of the Dialectical Materialism of Marx and Engels aimed at destroying the Christian values upon which Western liberalism and democracy rely. This channel is dedicated to providing Christians with the meat of the Word of God sorely lacking in Christian circles today. As the Bible states in Isaiah 55:11 NKJV "So shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth; It shall not return to Me void, But it shall accomplish what I please, And it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it." May the Lord of Battles prepare us & grant us the revelation of Christ crucified and risen needed to fight the good fight!