Welcome to the channel! Enjoy the vibes and have a great time with us! We always love content suggestions so don't be shy! If you would like to support the channel and say thank you via a donation please use the link below! We appreciate all of you who have contributed! Thank YOU! You can also use the PayPal link to make any song requests. Due to extremely high demand and because we are unable to meet everyone's requests while maintaining the growth of the channel, the rate for a song request is now $50USD. However, we would advise against requests with artists that are unbeknownst to most of YouTube because we are still in the process of growing the channel. We will likely consider a "new artist" reaction component when we have achieved some growth goals :). See you soon!

Carmella Cann | In The Cann with Carmella Cann Podcast


Carmella Cann is an American drag queen who hosts the podcast In The Cann with Carmella Cann, which releases episodes on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of every month. “Carmella, a glitzy chameleon who can depending on mood morph into Madonna or Joan Collins prototype.” Backstage magazine. Mixing politics with glitter, hot topics with high heels, and serious discussions with a dash of drag queen magic. In The Cann with Carmella Cann podcast touches on Cancel Culture, the U.S. Border, and Abortion and has had notable guests such as former New York State Senator Tom Duane. New episodes are regularly added and can be found on YouTube, Apple Podcast, Spotify, Amazon Podcast, iHeart, Player FM,, and bi-weekly on Thursdays at 6 PM (EST) on Manhattan Neighborhood Network (Spectrum 56 RCN 83 FIOS 34 and live stream on click on MNN Lifestyle). Copyright © 2024 In The Cann Productions, LLC. All Rights Reserved