Canal do Prof. Robson Oliveira


Olá, sou o Prof. Dr. Robson Oliveira. Sou professor de filosofia, escritor e analista político. Compartilho com vocês temas de formação humana, artes, virtudes e educação. Aqui você encontra dicas sobre temas de atualidades. Tudo sob o olhar da filosofia! Um jeito inteligente de ver o mundo. Faça parte de nosso grupo no Telegram: 👉 Leia meus artigos: 👉 Gazeta do Povo:

Toda la verdad, Primero


La misión de TLV1 es el compromiso por la verdad, llevando a toda nuestra audiencia una programación multidisciplinaria en donde la Verdad prime. Consideramos imprescindible la defensa de la soberanía territorial, política, económica y cultural como así también el restablecimiento de los valores morales que hacen al desarrollo y espíritu de los argentinos. De esta manera intentaremos mostrarle un amplio panorama para que usted aprecie nuestra óptica, distinta de los actuales medios masivos de comunicación.

Robert Ficano Show Episodes


Welcome to the Channel where we post episodes of the Robert Ficano Show! We are currently experimenting with different ways to conduct the Show (as a podcast) since we are no longer on AM Radio. This channel also features episodes of the Robert Ficano Show. Older episodes are on YouTube, but I moved over here because Rumble respects free speech. The Radio Station that hosted our show is WFDF, AM 910. Unfortunately they changed formats so we will be regrouping to plan the next iteration of the show. The broadcaster had been posting all episodes, of all programs, on Facebook but they deleted all of their original content when they changed formats. Please read this article for more information: Scotty Boman was granted permission to post this show by the Station Manager of WFDF AM. 910 AM Superstation, Denise "Dody" Johnson... Thank you! Since that time WFDF AM has changed their format to ESPN coverage. Ms. Johnson posted a comment on the change here: Many Episodes, leading up to November 2021, are posted o this YouTube playlist: