Break The Chains of average


The ANTi-average Change Re-ACTION podcast hosted by entrepreneur, philosopher, author of ANTi-average, husband, and father of 6, Roger Taylor, is designed to be inspirational, insightful, and help you gain insights into how to live the life of an ANTi-average Warrior King and Queen. ANTi-average is a movement that will create massive positive change in your Health, Bank Account, Relationships, and Happiness. Welcome aboard. Follow me on YouTube, Rumble, Instagram, Locals. Grab a copy of my life-changing book "ANTi-average" and check out the real life-changing platform, our ANTi-average app. All here:

Your Average Geebus


This channel is a vlog about the struggles of life, my failures of correcting the wrong path that I manoeuvred myself onto, many failed tries at bettering myself and my most recent attempt to overcome the mental shackles that have been holding me back all of my life which as consequence have recently been causing financial and housing issues yet again. I will also be talking about a lot of societal and political issues that have had a very strong impact on my mental health and which have developed my sometimes grim outlook on life and the future in general. Take what I say with a grain of salt and don't be afraid to call me out on my own bullshit in the comment section. Disclaimer: I am neither a doctor, a therapist nor a scientist so please keep that in mind. All of the things I talk about outside of the usual vlog frame are based on things that I have been reading and viewing on the internet for the past two decades, the impact they had on the way that I perceive and understand the world we live in and my personal conclusions that I have drawn from all of it.

IELTS Advantage


We help people get a 7 or above on the IELTS Test. My name is Christopher Pell and I made for my students so that they would have a better understanding of the IELTS test. The aim of this channel is to help IELTS students prepare for the exam. We have the most successful IELTS Course in the world. If you have any questions about our VIP Course or your IELTS preparation you can email us here: --- Let me know if you'd like anything else!



Here, I share my thoughts and life conclusions and try to learn from others' mistakes, using their experiences. My thoughts and views might not always match yours. And that's okay. My goal is to provoke self-reflection, to make you reconsider your priorities and attitudes. If even one of my thoughts makes you think, that's enough. Let my channel be a place you can return to for valuable insights anytime. – I create scripts on my own and work with talented voice actors to ensure that the quality of my videos is the best it can be. – Coming soon: