Learn Japanese


Learn Japanese with Our exprt Team - The Fastest, Easiest and Most Fun Way to Learn Japanese. :) Start speaking Japanese in minutes with Audio and Video lessons. JapanesePod101.com is an online Japanese language learning website. With us you'll learn to speak, read, write and hear Japanese. You'll have fun learning with listeners around the world. Get ready to "wow" your friends, family, teacher and colleagues with the Japanese you learn with us! Visit our chennal and sign up for your FREE Life-time account. See higher quality videos and exclusive videos only on our chennal. Want to stay informed? Just click "Subscribe" in the red box above and you will be told when a new video is put on this site.

VOA News


Voice of America (VOA) is the largest U.S. international broadcaster, providing news and information in more than 40 languages to an estimated weekly audience of 236.8 million people. VOA produces content for digital, television, and radio platforms. It is easily accessed via your mobile phone and on social media. It is also distributed by satellite, cable, FM and MW, and is carried on a network of approximately 3,000 affiliate stations. Since its creation in 1942, Voice of America has been committed to providing comprehensive coverage of the news and telling audiences the truth. Through World War II, the Cold War, the fight against global terrorism, and the struggle for freedom around the globe today, VOA exemplifies the principles of a free press.

Brasil Media News


Olá. Seja bem-vindo ao Canal Brasil Media News. Canal independente que trás Notícias do Mundo Político, ações do governo federal, Câmara dos Deputados, Palácio do Planalto, Congresso Nacional. Assuntos e discussões políticas de canais colaborativos com o intuito de informar o público a cerca do que acontece no Brasil e no Mundo. Somos contra a disseminação de Fake News, por isso traremos conteúdos na integra, salvo os "cortes" que terão então na discrição do vídeo Link para o conteúdo completo. Ademais, somos um Canal Conservador, acreditamos na Constituição, na Liberdade de expressão e opinião. Acreditamos no Brasil! Contamos com sua audiência, para isso se Inscreva e deixe seu Like se gostar do conteúdo. Forte Abraço e fique com Deus!

Brett Keane Show


Brett Keane hosts a live radio station on Spotify, Amazon, and many other services across the internet. His topics and subjects primarily cover God, religion, theology, philosophy, news, science, politics, games, entertainment, music, television, and movies. As a motivational speaker, Brett was a representative of the atheist, skepticism, freethinker, humanist, and evolution movement. However, after years of pondering, he realized that God is the answer to why we exist, and he is now a Theist and speaker. In this channel, he explains why and how God is the only rational, logical way.

Number One dnb Show


Live stream Drum and bass mix. Produced by https://cozy-pics-media.ueniweb.com/ Live music dnb mix and dJ's having fun SOCIALS ------ https://linktr.ee/dj_spidee https://www.twitch.tv/dj_spidee https://www.instagram.com/dj_spidee/ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PODCAST -------- https://castbox.fm/channel/id5548489?country=gb ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Live music DJs and MCs doing there thing for drum and bass -------- DJ Spidee ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Merch ---------- https://merch.streamelements.com/dj_spidee https://streamelements.com/dj_spidee/tip A DJ on a journey playing the beatport top100 dnb tunes on the Nunber one dnb radio show with a few classics thrown in for good mesure. . . . . . #drumandbass #dnb #drumnbass #jungle #music #dnbfamily #life #dnbmusic #dj #dnbnation #junglist #drumandbassmusic #rave #bass #bassmusic #dnblife #drumandbasslover #radio1 #junglemusic #dnbculture #dnbmix #drumandbassmix #viral #trending #dnbradio #dnbrollers