I have spent most of my life subjected to the deliberate misinterpretation of history to push the brand of Cultural Marxism that is popular today. At the center of this push is a vilification of White people and Western Society—so as to erode the structure at its foundation. This cannot be left unchallenged; the state of the modern West is proof positive of that. I cannot let this go unchallenged any longer. I can’t bear the shame of not having at least tried to push back and speak against this. From the American Revolution to Mass Immigration, from the Roman Empire to the Global War on Terror I’ll do my best to cover it all and expose the lies of those pushing the Oppression Narrative.

The New Health Conversation®


I have spent more than 600 hours researching the area of toxins and their profound effect on our health and well being. Spurred by my own experiences, I has devoted 10 years of life to the study of environmental toxins and their effects on disease, obesity, and health. I have conducted more than 1,000 lectures on this subject all over the world. I have been interviewed more than 50 times on radio and television and has spoken extensively across the U.S. and Canada, in Taiwan and Hong Kong. My goal is to change the world by educating all of us on the problems posed by environmental toxicity and what you can do about it.