Just In Time Finance - Justin McDonald


https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHOQmwYPmJmqq6V6TWw7ssA?sub_confirmation=1 My name is Justin and I have developed a passion for financial wellness. My goal is to have fun and give my perspective on financial topics to help viewers learn and pursue true wealth. I enjoy being a financial coach to help people change their money mindset, and this channel is the best platform to accomplish this. I will always continue to learn and grow financially as I encourage everyone that watches my content to do the same. Financial coaches are there to help you achieve success no matter where you are financially. Coaching can help you get out of debt, avoid bankruptcy, change your mindset about money, build wealth, and push towards generational wealth. The path to achieve success with money is in front of you and as a financial coach my job is to guide you to that path and watch you run.



Mocadon is Right! is an educational and political collection of truths that everyone needs to know. With more than 30 years of experience in Financial Services, Business Financial Systems Analysis, and as a parent of two, a grandparent of four, and a husband of one, I want the American people to be correctly informed. Things are not as complicated as you have been told. Most things are simple, and I want to open your eyes to some simple truths. Note: We HIGHLY recommend the following site(s) for additional information and learning: https://www.freetochoosenetwork.org or; https://www.youtube.com/user/FreeToChooseNetwork #economics #inflation #seniors DISCLAIMER: https://www.termsfeed.com/live/14b32d69-6a4c-4fed-baf0-07a0d47e9d6c

Gordon and Cherise


Discover how to live abundantly through your chronic suffering. Despite Gordon dealing with the horrors of chronic pain for the past 30 years and now Cherise being recently diagnosed with cancer, Gordon & Cherise candidly share their experiences with what it takes to overcome impossible odds when your painful afflictions seem insurmountable. This podcast is raw and real and contains practical insights and hope for the millions of people around the world who are suffering. Isn't it time to become part of transformational change? Gordon and Cherise invite you to join them and learn, truly, that abundant living is possible, even in deep suffering. Follow us for more — knowledge, experience, motivation, inspiration, hope and plenty of laughs along the way. More on GordonandCherise.com

Matthew Paul Tucciarone


FREEDOM!!! \r\n\r\nOur mission is to support Arizona Stands United in filing a lawsuit challenging and reversing the governors declaration of “state of emergency”. We are freedom-loving Arizonans who insist our elected leaders be held accountable and be shown they cannot act with impunity for their tyrannical actions We are a large group (and growing) of concerned freedom-loving Arizonans, who recognize the tremendous sacrifices made by countless generations of Americans throughout our nation’s history to secure, preserve, and protect our God-given rights. We believe it is our duty and privilege to protect our fundamental liberties while demanding our elected leaders be held accountable and be shown they cannot act with impunity for their tyrannical and corrupt agendas. We are united in our common goal to stand against continued violations of our Constitutional freedoms including mask mandates, shutdowns, and more, while working to restore those freedoms from which we have been deprived.