Daniel Adams Reacts Verified


Welcome to Daniel Adams Reacts! Daniel Adams is an Apostle to the nations, leader of The Supernatural Life global ministry, and a passionate influencer for Jesus. On this channel, we will react to the hottest topics—from breaking news in politics to the latest in pop culture and beyond. Join us as we navigate the complexities of our world with a focus on truth, faith, and insightful commentary. Subscribe for engaging reactions, thought-provoking discussions, and a community rooted in faith and authenticity!

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Hora da Magia do Caos


No dia 18 / 02 / 2018 foi iniciado um programa dominical que ocorrerá sempre às 20h. (salvo qualquer atraso). O programa “Hora da Magia do Caos” discutirá a Magia sob a ótica do perfil pragmático caótico, bem como todas as linhas que possam fazer parte desta prática. No final de cada evento disponibilizaremos o vídeo para apreciação de todos, onde poderão deixar suas perguntas sobre o último vídeo postado, anterior, perguntas as quais responderemos no programa subsequente. Sua colaboração é importante para que possamos sempre nos aprimorar. Seja bem vindo e seja bem vinda! Participe!

Adam RANADA Ranville


{DEVOTED TO EMPOWERING MILLIONS} Adam “RANADA” Ranville is a Business Development Executive with 15 years of experience in personal and professional empowerment. In a little over a decade, he lived in 9 cities, 4 states, 3 time zones and 2 coastlines. His passion and purpose was discovered in 2007 and has drastically expanded since then. Adam created his company Skills School as the primary platform used to deliver his life enhancing material. Over the past 7 years Adam has helped implement immediate enhancements to over 350 companies and 16,000 individual people by teaching them how to create radical daily changes to both their work routines and home life routines. Adam offers his expertise as a: Professional Speaker, Sales Trainer, Public Speaking Trainer, NLP Mastery Trainer, Leadership Coach, Communication Coach, Corporate Consultant, Corporate Recruiter and ICF Life Coach. We are honored to have you as a subscriber and look forward to creating a lifelong impact for you!

Unadulterated Thought Mechanism


Andersson Arte is young at heart but old in spirit. He has spent several lifetimes traversing this humble planet we call home: as a poet, a scholar, a distinguished gentleman with a golden voice gifted from the gods above. Andersson is Heaven-sent; a beautiful, sentient being with a pure heart who has been likened to Gandhi. But let not these words convince you of such; rather, allow the gentle caress of his voice to bring you to a state of untamed bliss, as he taps into your subconscious desires, convincing you of truths hidden beneath the surface of your incapacitated minds, which slowly rot as the establishment maintains control. Allow Andersson to expand your consciousness and accept our shared humanity through the expression of his inner conflict, which he expresses unashamedly, as he knows we are all, in fact, conflicted in our own way. However, with all being said, as you delve into the many facets of Andersson's complex personality, you will realise he has a great taste for the absurd; thus, not all of his creations are to be taken too seriously… And might I also mention, he feels great disdain toward those who refer to themselves in the third person.