Believing God's Word Broadcast


Our goals for Believing God's Word Broadcast are to 1) Reveal the importance of the Word of God 2) To give you clarity of the Word of God 3) Encourage every viewer to look to the Word of God for answers for every situation and circumstance 4) Help every viewer grow in their Intimacy with the Lord through the Word of God, and 5) Help every viewer experience the reality of the Kingdom of God. So, we ask you, to join us on this journey by subscribing to our channel and sharing the videos with your network of family and friends. Pastor Curtis Riley

Knoxville Christian Center - Sermons


Knoxville Christian Center is an Assemblies of God church, located in West Knoxville. Dr. Barry Culberson is the founder and Senior Pastor of Knoxville Christian Center. He is passionate about reaching the community for Christ and strongly believes in prayer and fasting. He is committed to teaching Christians how to walk in victory and develop a successful prayer life. All of the ministries at the Knoxville Christian Center have a common objective – to reach the lost with the Gospel. This is our heart. This is our calling. The combined efforts of all our outreach ministries continue to produce a great harvest of souls. We invite you to join arms with us as we “Go into all the world and preach the Good News to all creation.”

Destiny Worship Center


No matter what season you find yourself in, we welcome you to Destiny! Destiny Worship Center started on October 7 of 2001 by Pastors Steve and Jackie Vaggalis. It was first called Abundant Life of South Walton but before long it took its actual name. It’s first service was held in a store front with 100 people. Today, Destiny has grown to over 1,000 families, 5 campuses, number of ministries that operate from the church, and in 2010 finished their brand new sanctuary: a 1200 people auditorium in Miramar Beach, FL. Destiny is known for its welcoming environment, its emphasis on relationships, and for passionate services full of contemporary worship and relevant messages that can be applied to our every day lives. Our vision is to help you fulfill your God-given Destiny. Visit to find more information about what we believe, our staff, where we are located, our vision, our different ministries, current and special events.