Spreading the Good News of Jesus Christ
48 FollowersIntro Video to GoodNewsRider
Jesus Christ Art
47 FollowersJesus Christ
47 FollowersJesus Reformation
47 FollowersJesu Offenbarungen durch Jakob Lorber Deutsch
47 FollowersOffenbarungen von Jesus Christus durch Jakob Lorber 1840 - 1864 - Kindheit und Jugend Jesu ... Das Jakobus Evangelium - Die Haushaltung Gottes - Das Grosse Johannes Evangelium - Himmelsgaben - Schrifttexterklärungen - Paulusbrief an Laodizea - Die Geistige Sonne - Jenseits der Schwelle - Robert Blum - Bischof Martin
46 FollowersARemnantDiscipleOfJesusTheChrist
46 Followerschessmess
46 Followers♱Christ is King♱🤟Liberty Rock Radio🤟❤️🔥Let's Rock!❤️🔥
45 Followers🤟Liberty Rock Radio🤟♱Where Truth Never Dies & Is King♱ May God Continue To Bless, Guide & Protect You All Forever. In Jesus' Almighty Name. Amen. ❤️🔥
Unashamed of Jesus
45 FollowersAnd have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose them. Ephesians 5:11 If you would like to support our ministry https://venmo.com/unashamedofjesus333 paypal.me/unashamedofjesus333
Messages preached at the House of the Lord
45 FollowersJoin us as we view the messages preached at the House of the Lord
Our Message
44 FollowersOur message podcast is from us to you.
Miscellaneous Messages
44 FollowersIn this channel I cover a variety of topics and messages.
Jesus Kingdom Power
44 FollowersFrom that time Jesus began to preach, and to say, Repent: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand. Matthew 4:17
Spiritual Warfare, deliverance and inner healing
44 FollowersSpiritual Warfare, Deliverance and Inner Healing
43 FollowersSamHolmesSailing
43 FollowersAdamToMessiah
43 Followersjesusheartdwellers
43 FollowersJesusNowTauranga
42 FollowersJesus Now is a Christian Trust that was set up in the year 2000, it was birthed out of a fresh encounter with God and in the last 20 years has primarily functioned to help the saints of God transition from what had become familiar to us to moving into a fresh experience and understanding of "present truth".
42 FollowersCanalJesuseSanto
42 FollowersJesusismyGOD77
42 FollowersJesus Co.
41 FollowersLoving Jesus through Communal Worship of Him
40 FollowersHe Comes Soon
40 FollowersWelcome to this channel and blessings to you all! This channel shares end time prophecy messages from the Most High.
The gospel of Jesus Christ
40 FollowersGreat information
40 FollowersJesus Rey de Reyes Sanidad
40 Followers¡Bienvenidos! A nuestro Canal, ¡Lugar donde sanidades y milagros en el nombre de Jesucristo ocurren diariamente! Lugar para recibir sanidad, liberación, aprender la verdad y aprender a caminar en poder. 1 Corintios 4:20 porque el reino de Dios no es cuestión de hablar sino de poder. Santiago 5:14-15 ¿Está alguno enfermo entre vosotros? Llame a los ancianos de la iglesia, y oren por él, ungiéndole con aceite en el nombre del Señor. 15 Y la oración de fe salvará al enfermo, y el Señor lo levantará; y si hubiere cometido pecados, le serán perdonados Cel: 760-992-1077 Whatsapp + 001-760-992-1077 💎 Zoom.us/j/9490200658 💎 Email: Francisco@jesusreydereyes.com 💎 http://jesusreydereyes.com/ 💎 https://parler.com/profile/ApostleFrancisco/posts 💎 English https://rumble.com/c/c-397105 💎 English YouTube 💎Subscribe to JKK: https://bit.ly/2GcGA9W Español, https://www.facebook.com/Jesus-Rey-de-Reyes-Ministerio-de-Sanacion-y-Liberacion-1601687256564181/ English https://www.facebook.com/JesuskingofKingshealing/ English Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7OLlCDKNROQrelPoVEeVzQ https://www.facebook.com/apostolfranciscogomez
Jesus has come
39 Followerschurch
Passionately Loving Jesus
39 FollowersLast Days News - Video Clips of Interest
Jesus Is Coming, Get Busy
39 FollowersThe return of our Savior is imminent! Let\'s get to harvesting.
39 FollowersServant James Listening To Jesus
39 FollowersServant James from SheepHear.org discusses questions about his relationship with Jesus Christ
The Joe Messina Show
39 FollowersCLIPS from Joe\'s week day show on Politics, Life and Social Justice? Kind of!
CCG Sabbath and New Moon Messages - ccg.org
38 FollowersCCG Sabbath and New Moon Messages Link to Christian Churches of God Video Channel - https://rumble.com/c/ChristianChurchesofGod
Messages from the Mountain
38 FollowersMountain View Community Church