Barney in the River


This channel is inspired by promises from God's Word and is intended to encourage people in their walk with the Lord. He tells us through the prophet Joel, "And it shall come to pass afterward that I will pour out My Spirit on all flesh; Your sons and daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions." - (Joel 2:28). The Jesus in the Bible is the same Jesus today (Hebrews 13:8) and, because we are his sheep, He gives us the ability to hear His voice: "My sheep hear my voice; I know them, and they follow me." - John 10:27. So...let's pay attention to what he is telling us today! God bless you!

John Titus The Importance of Central Bank Independence


President Joe Biden wrote a memo: The Importance of Central Bank Independence. It says: "nearly all advanced economies and many developing countries are now governed by independent central banks" James Corbett talks to returning guest John Titus about his new documentary series,The War for Bankocracy. Titus' documentary details the US Federal Reserve's recent push to escape its constitutional restraints, what such a move would mean, and why the bankers must be stopped before they achieve their Bankocracy. Join the Weekly Video Call Call 305-333-1925

Rachael Sloan - Divorce Coach for Men


This channel is a resource for men in any stage of separation or divorce. You'll find these videos helpful if you want to: - Have good times with your kids. Be in a healthy and fulfilling relationship with a woman. Don’t take things personally. Advocate for yourself and set clear boundaries with others. - Regain your optimism, enjoy every day and actually look forward to dating and another relationship instead of wondering if it, too, will end. - Be free from your negative thoughts. Feel connected to yourself and others in a meaningful way. Feel confident to be alone or with others. - Have more energy and focus at work. Go through the day not thinking or worrying about your ex. Feel like you belong in the world again. - Stop thinking about your marriage all the time. Have neutral feelings towards your ex-wife and wish her the best. Co-parent in a spirit of cooperation and mutual respect. Date new women without fear, shame or expecting rejection. #divorce #relationshipcoach