Eyewitness News Karachi

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''آئی وٹنس نیوز'' بدلتے حالات، ملکی سطح پر ہونے والی تبدیلیاں، عوامی مسائل کے حل کے لئے جدوجہد، ماضی،حال اور مستقبل میں ہونے والے واقعات پر تجزیاتی خبریں، عوامی سروے، مختلف تقریبات کی کوریج سمیت آپ کے ساتھ ہروقت موجود ہے۔ ہمارا مقصد سنسنی پھیلانا یا نہیں بلکہ حقائق کو واضح کرنا ہے۔ پاکستانی عوام ، خاص طور پر کراچی کے عوام روزانہ کی بنیاد پر جن مسائل کا شکار ہیں ہم ان کی کوریج اعلیٰ حکام تک پہنچاکر ان کے مسائل کو حل کروانے کی بھرپور کوشش کرتے ہیں اور آگے بھی کرتے رہیںگے۔ ان سب کے علاوہ ہم آپ کو انٹرٹین کرنے کے لئے روڈ شوسمیت لوگوں کی زندگی کے تجربات سے بھی آگاہ رکھیںگے۔ "Eye Witness News" covers the changing world, changes at the national level, the struggle to solve public problems, analytical news on past, present and future events, public surveys, coverage of various events. With always present Our goal is to make the facts clear or not to create a sensation. In addition to these, we will also keep you informed about people's life experiences, including road shows to entertain you.

Wit 'n Wisdom

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Welcome to Wit 'n Wisdom, the YouTube channel where laughter meets enlightenment! Prepare yourself for a delightful blend of humor and knowledge as we dive into a world of random informative and comedy videos and clips. Our goal is to entertain and educate simultaneously, leaving you with a smile on your face and newfound wisdom in your mind. Join us on this exciting journey as we explore a wide range of topics, sharing fascinating facts, intriguing insights, and hilarious anecdotes. From quirky trivia to thought-provoking comedy skits, Wit 'n Wisdom promises to be your go-to destination for a perfect mix of entertainment and enlightenment. So, sit back, relax, and get ready to experience the best of both worlds as we embark on this captivating adventure together. Remember, with Wit 'n Wisdom, you'll never have a dull moment!

Wissen Querbeet

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Meine Oma pflegte immer zu sagen: Man wird alt wie eine Kuh und lernt jeden Tag dazu. Und Recht hatte sie, das merke ich immer mehr, je älter ich werde. Außerdem mag ich einfach Wissen, egal wie nutzlos vieles davon im Alltag auch ist und unabhängig davon, ob das alles überhaupt so geschehen ist, wie es uns erzählt wird. Ich war nicht dabei, aber ich halte sehr vieles für möglich, da ich Menschen so ziemlich ALLES zutraue, im Guten wie im Schlechten. Dennoch, es gibt auf dieser wunderschönen Welt endlos viele spannende Dinge und interessante Persönlichkeiten zu entdecken und das macht einfach Spaß – selbst wenn sich jemand alles nur ausgedacht hat. :)

The Weekend Prog

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This week's word for the weekend on the ch1 Weekend Prog is a weekly programme with church leaders, special guests and professional film producers Stewart and Deborah who share about their work to help seekers find the narrow way which Jesus says FEW can find... With programmes to teach, uplift and edify as well as warnings and advice re the great apostasy - the falling away from Biblical Truth - as prophesied in The Bible. ====================== Browse through more than 25 channels (and counting) with dozens of experts talking about all sorts of subjects from a Biblical perspective by clicking here: https://www.bit.ly/globalvisiontv or https://www.youtube.com/globalvisiontv/playlists Please SUBSCRIBE at the red button and click the grey bell once you have done so, to stay updated about our new programmes. And if you have programme suggestions or would like to be involved with a truly global network of speakers which reach around the world, drop us an email via our website at https://www.studioscotland.com/globalvision-tv-about Thank you - from our studios in Scotland which have been reaching out to the world for over 30 years of radio, TV, theatrical and digital productions! A truly Global ministry for the 21st century. 🧐 - For end time discernment and warnings go to Bethel Communications at https://www.bethelcommunications.tv 🧐- For end time discernment and warning VIDEOS go to ‘The Truth is Out There’ at https://bit.ly/CultTruth 🧐- To check out our 25 channels and specials on YouTube click here https://bit.ly/globalvisiontv 🧐- To catch up with other Weekend Progs, go directly to https://bit.ly/weekendprog - or click on channel 1 on the Global Vision TV website at www.globalvision.tv 🧐 +++++ MORE INFO +++++ Global Vision TV is the FREE internet TV network for Christians with over 25 channels and lots of SHORT answers from sound Bible teachers and experts to over 1,000 of YOUR questions. - Established in 2005, Global Vision TV has recently moved to the YT platform for the interim. - To be informed of new programmes & films, please click the big red SUBSCRIBE button / then the grey bell above OR at https://www.youtube.com/globalvisiontv - More info on the website at https://www.studioscotland.com/globalvision-tv-about