103 FollowersAmerica's 1st & only off-grid, organic, farming community - Riverbed Ranch
102 FollowersAbout the Riverbed Ranch: The Utah OSR Land Cooperative is a non-profit agricultural co-op organized by one of the country's top co-op attorneys. The co-op shareholders together own all 1,245 acres of farmland known as Riverbed Ranch. It's located in Juab County on the border of Tooele County. The acreage has been divided into 250 homesteads where families can build the online-but-off-grid homestead of their dreams.
MK White Rabbit - FRANÇAIS
99 FollowersJE NE SUIS PAS UN "LANCEUR D\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'ALERTE" J\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'utilise LBRY pour stocker, partager des VIDEOS, PHOTOS que je trouve Importante, qui risque de disparaitre pour cause de CENSURE (Youtube, Facebook, Twitter) J\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'ai grandement contribué à faire grandir les plateformes décentralisées donc incensurable socialement et financièrement.\\\\\\\\n\\\\\\\\nPour ceux qui ne savent c\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'est qu\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'est la référence de mon pseudo pas ne vous inquiétez pas vous allez découvrir beaucoup de choses ici... En fait c\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'est une référence au MK Ultra et Le Lapin Blanc qui est le symbole de l\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'adrénochrome prélevé sur les ENFANTS TORTURES. De plus en plus de gens connaissent le MK Ultra et c\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'est TANT MIEUX. Il faut absolument que ça se sache pour faire tomber tout ces réseaux pédophiles et les politiciens.\\\\\\\\n\\\\\\\\nJe suis ici pour exposer tous les mensonges et la propagande faite par les medias traditionnels. Ou PLUTOT je suis un chercheur de vérité. Maintenant qu\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'est ce que la vérité ? AH EXCELLENTE QUESTION ! Car la vérité est très compliqué à déceler puisqu\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'elle est très souvent maquillée de MENSONGES. Ce n\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'est jamais BLANC ou NOIR mais plutot nuancé de GRIS. Sur cette chaîne on va revisiter toutes les soi disantes "THEORIES DU COMPLOT" possibles et inimaginables qui existent comme les VACCINS,5G,ILLUMINATI, FRANC-MACONNERIE,SATANISME,RESEAUX PEDOPHILES,MK ULTRA,CHEMTRAILS, LOI MARITIME UCC, FRAUDE DU NOM LEGAL, ETRE HUMAIN SOUVERAIN, ADRENOCHROME et bien plus [...]\\\\\\\\n\\\\\\\\n\\\\\\\\nJe ne change que très rarement le titre des vidéos que je télécharge donc ne vous étonnez pas si vous voyez un titre bizarre, aguicheur, ou putaclic. Comme ça avec le titre tel qu\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'il est vous aurez de quoi rechercher la vidéo originale avec plus de facilité.\\\\\\\\n\\\\\\\\nJe trouve ça juste intéressant d\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'avoir plusieurs points de vues. Maintenant chacun se fait SON PROPRE AVIS. Donc si vous voyez que je post tout et son contraire c\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'est normal.Comme je dis à chaque fois je vous invite a faire vos PROPRES RECHERCHES. \\\\\\\\n\\\\\\\\nSi il y a des posts, des vidéos, ou autres qui vous dérange merci de quitter ma page, je ne suis pas la pour plaire ni pour vous brosser dans le sens du poil que ça soit très clair. Je reste pas fermé non plus au débat du moment que c\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'est fait dans le RESPECT et pas dans l\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'insuffisance.\\\\\\\\n\\\\\\\\nSachez une chose c\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'est que le Terrier du LAPIN BLANC descend TRES TRES LOIN dans la folie, et vous n\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'avez pas idée a quel point on nous a MENTI depuis des siècles.\\\\\\\\n\\\\\\\\nJe suis absolumment CONTRE le NOUVEL ORDRE MONDIAL, c\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'est quelque chose qu\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'il faut éradiquer ! Et je pense que tout le monde à son propre rôle à jouer ici. Aujourd\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'hui une petite caste décide de ce qui est bien ou pas et ceci est inadmissible.\\\\\\\\n\\\\\\\\nDonc si toi aussi tu es CONTRE LE NOUVEL ORDRE MONDIAL, tu es le ou la bienvenue :)\\\\\\\\n\\\\\\\\nSi vous êtes polyglotte comme moi faites un tour sur ma chaîne Anglaise et Espagnol.\\\\\\\\n\\\\\\\\nPS : Ici il s\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'agit avant tout d\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'avoir un esprit CRITIQUE. Je ne fais ça qu\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'à titre personnel, pour moi même, mes amis, et mon entourage proche et pourquoi pas réveiller la curiosité de chacun, aujourd\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'hui on a a plus le temps comme avant de s\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'occuper à "Alerter" même si je n\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'aime pas ce mot, on fait beaucoup de choses en même temps. Je tiens à dire que le contenu que je mets en LIGNE je ne suis NI POUR NI CONTRE moi j\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'essaye de rester le plus NEUTRE sur tout cela vis à vis des DIFFERENTS ALERTEURS et je ne donnerai PAS mon AVIS sauf si l\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'occasion se présente, ce qui m\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'intéresse c\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'est la VERITE.\\\\\\\\n\\\\\\\\n--------------------------------------------------------------\\\\\\\\n\\\\\\\\n* You can TIP or SUPPORT my channel so that I can continue to UPLOAD more UNCENSORED content. Many Thanks !\\\\\\\\n* Vous pouvez TIPPER ou SOUTENIR ma chaîne afin que je puisse continuer a UPLOADER plus de contenu CENSURE. Merci Beaucoup !\\\\\\\\n* Podeis ENVIAR PROPINA ou SOPORTAR mi canal para que pueda seguir a SUBIR mas contenido CENSURADO. Muchas Gracias !\\\\\\\\n\\\\\\\\n--------------------------------------------------------------\\\\\\\\n\\\\\\\\n* For English Users Checkout @MKWhiteRabbit.ENGLISH on LBRY for ENGLISH content : https://odysee.com/@MKWhiteRabbit.ENGLISH:d\\\\\\\\n\\\\\\\\n- Claim 15 Free LBC when you sign up here : https://odysee.com/$/invite/@MKWhiteRabbit.ENGLISH:d\\\\\\\\n\\\\\\\\n* Pour les Utilisateurs Français regardez ma chaîne principale @InVeritasTV pour du contenu en FRANCAIS : https://odysee.com/@MKWhiteRabbit:3\\\\\\\\n* Chaîne Secondaire : https://odysee.com/@MKWR:f\\\\\\\\n* Chaîne Tertiaire : https://odysee.com/@MafiaBigPharma:b\\\\\\\\n\\\\\\\\n- Obtenez 15 LBC Gratuitement en vous créant un compte ici : https://odysee.com/$/invite/@MKWhiteRabbit:3\\\\\\\\n\\\\\\\\n* Para los Usuarios ESPAÑOLES id a @MKWhiteRabbit.ESPAÑOL para contenido en ESPAÑOL : https://odysee.com/@MKWhiteRabbit.ESPA%C3%91OL:e\\\\\\\\n\\\\\\\\n- Obtén 15 LBC Gratis al registrarse aqui : https://odysee.com/$/invite/@MKWhiteRabbit.ESPAÑOL:e\\\\\\\\n\\\\\\\\n--------------------------------------------------------------\\\\\\\\n\\\\\\\\n* BITTUBE : https://bittube.app/?ref?2KBKWSAC2\\\\\\\\n\\\\\\\\n* BITCHUTE : https://www.bitchute.com/accounts/referral/mkwhiterabbit/\\\\\\\\n\\\\\\\\n* BRIGHTEON : \\\\\\\\nhttps://www.brighteon.com/channels/MKWHITERABBIT
Patriots Unite Now !!!
97 FollowersFighting America's Patriot Cause Since May 2009!
96 FollowersMedical Lake Community Church
95 FollowersOur goal is to make fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ—men, women, and children who love God and others—and we will not quit until every person in Medical Lake has heard the gospel message. Please enjoy our catalog of recorded sermons and other videos, and subscribe to be notified of church service livestreams every Sunday at 8:30 AM and 11 AM Pacific.
94 FollowersCam White
93 FollowersAstrology Horoscopes, Podcasts and more!
Freemasons Community
93 FollowersAt Freemasons Community, we are using the Internet to explain what is Freemasonry, Freemason history, and let you know why Freemasonry is The Largest Brotherhood Worldwide.
93 FollowersHilaryWhitehead
92 FollowersPatriot Twins
91 FollowersWhiteStone Industries
91 FollowersA mostly laid-back gaming channel that is in the business of creating a intergalactic industrial empire. Join us as we build, create, destroy, and rebuild in video games. We also have a hint of racing/vehicle content as well as a small dash of real-world vehicle mechanics. Don't be fooled though, the owner is abit on the not so professional side as we are not being able to afford the proper recording equipment nor the proper editing ability as bigger youtube channels. We have henceforth been named a noobtuber. Have a wonderful day and let W.S.I. wish you a positive future. TundraWolf42 - Owner/Operator
White Glove Models
90 FollowersThank you for stopping by. My name is Kalan and I'm a Model Builder that for some crazy reason decided I wanted to film and showcase my builds, what's happening on my workbench, and bring you along with me on the journey. I am new to this whole Video thing, so bear with me as I learn from my mistakes, master the art of editing and try to make the channel entertaining and enjoyable for you to watch. I just recently got into airbrushing, and will be including episodes dedicated to my wins, and failures, as well as show you tips and tricks I've learned along the way. I build anything from small plastic model kits to large scale diecast and wood kits.
Derit: The White House Apprentice
89 FollowersVariety show that\'s a little right from the middle.
White T Shirt Media
89 FollowersLive Stream Media
Quippers United
89 FollowersThe Official Rumble Channel for Quippers United
Unite For Truth Health
87 FollowersUnite For Truth Health Education
87 FollowersGaming Channel
Against Community Standards
87 FollowersA pro-american channel created by 2 patriot dads who are sharing insight, intel and common knowledge with the rest of the folks who are reeling to consume like-minded content, FREE speech and conservative values. #LetsGoBrandon
86 FollowersDianne Andrews In Black & White Talk Show
86 FollowersIn Black & White is a talk show that concentrates on controversial issues similar to a point counter point approach to disseminating varying viewpoints
84 FollowersGalaxyOfUnity
84 FollowersUnited Pentecostal Church of Australia
83 FollowersOfficial Channel of the United Pentecostal Church of Australia
83 FollowersRobito Chatwin
82 FollowersHello! ツ My name is Robert (robito) Chatwin. I am a qualified hypnotherapist with a strong passion for deepening connection to our own subconscious, and a unique freedom-focused approach to healing. Our freedom comes from within. We are the heroes. We are the solution. We are the ones we are waiting for. Robito's freedom-focused work provides global support as we the people heal our wounds from past and current events and take back the power and control over our own lives. Go to http://robito.info ⚡️
Understanding the United States Constitution and Other Founding Documents
81 FollowersI've certainly read the US Constution and other Founding Documents a number of times. Nevertheless, I find that I can still learn more of the depth of thought that went into these documents. Thus I offer these videos, as I've found them to further my understanding.
Citizen News
81 FollowersDigital News around the World
White TV
80 FollowersAlternative News from Sweden
Republican Converts Unite
79 FollowersPolitical commentary
79 FollowersAIFrannie
78 FollowersWelcome to @AIFrannie on Rumble – the home of dedicated freedom fighters. Join me on the front lines as we navigate the turbulent landscape of our world, exposing truths, sharing insights, and rallying patriots to safeguard the values we hold dear. From geopolitical analyses to strategic insights, together we'll stay ahead of the curve and prepare for the challenges. But I am not just a nerd who loves hardcore coding; in my personal life, I engage in activities that enrich my overall well-being and contribute to my "other career." I am an adrenaline sports enthusiast, an expert level participant in various air, water, and land-based activities (from flying experimental and certified aircraft to wingsuit flying (approaching 10k total jumps), base-jumping, freediving, big wave surfing, and sailing, to free climbing, ice climbing, freestyle motocross, DH mountain biking, and more). In my other homeland, Australia (Mum's from Oz), we're acting swiftly against the takeover, but the depth of infiltration in America demands united, relentless efforts. I'm committed to taking these adversaries down, and I'm encouraged by the patriots joining in. Stay vigilant and engaged. The battle for America's future is on, and I'm all in and will not let America nor DJT down. As a senior-level war strategist with both academic knowledge and extensive field expertise, I've been to places few military personnel have dared to infiltrate, including the dangerous and infamous areas of the NWFP of Pakistan. Holding multiple degrees, including a PhD in computer science, I specialize in ML Programming, Data Science, Decision Engineering, and Data Engineering. My expertise extends to AI war-gaming, an essential aspect often overlooked but critical in today's landscape. I've worked with and yielded results comparable to AI programs that have beaten chess, GO, or predicted outcomes, such as life expectancy, with uncanny accuracy based on medical data inputs. My ability to forecast and counter enemy moves is at present unmatched. My upbringing involved extensive cultural and weapons training from a very young age, thanks to parents who served in various capacities within the USAF, DARPA, Secret Service, the FBI—& agencies now heavily infiltrated by the deep state. My mother, a double PhD and elite ML coder, contributed to some of the most classified projects of her time. Having lived in numerous countries and worked at the intersection of my parents' careers, I bring a unique perspective and commitment to defending America. Senior AI War Game Strategist, ML Programmer/DE/DS, & Field Operative. 𝓕𝓻𝓪𝓷𝓬𝓲𝓷𝓮 ✝️ 🇺🇸🦅 🇦🇺 🦘🗽⚖️🏝️🌞😎 Linktr.ee/aifrannie Substack.com/@aifrannie @aifrannie 📧 UniteToSaveAmerica@proton.me (Leave your X or Truth Social handle to receive a reply. My sis verifies my emails to make sure they are not from trolls and that you are a patriot). Sorry for the hassle, trolls are tricky Fs and have to be managed. Trump 2024 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 MEGA-MAGA ⭐Good Vibes ❤️ LUV U DAD "USAF"✈️ ❤️ MAGA Warriors ⭐ 👉 Support Our Vets 💜 Patriots 🇺🇸 🇦🇺 & Engaging Minds ULTRA-EXTREME SPORTS ENTHUSIAST
76 FollowersEliteAmmunition
76 Followersunitedethiopia
75 FollowersLoyal fans manchester united
75 FollowersPatriotTwinsPodcast
74 FollowersWhite Horse Media
73 FollowersRevealing God\'s Light in This Present Darkness